The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey For A Sweet Twist

Looking for a unique and delicious dessert? Our feijoa loaf recipe, infused with honey, is the perfect sweet treat for any occasion! Try it, you'll be hooked.

Welcome to the ultimate feijoa feast. We’re thrilled to share with you the perfect feijoa loaf recipe. Sweet and delicious feijoa loaf infused with honey.

In this recipe, we’ll be sharing with you the key ingredients needed to bake the amazing feijoa loaf. A quick history of feijoas, an easy recipe where you can get the kids involved.

If that’s not enough we’ll also be letting you in on the secrets to a perfect feijoa loaf every time. Without a doubt, this really is the perfect feijoa loaf recipe.

What makes our feijoa loaf recipe truly stand out? Firstly the recipe is created by a professional chef (me). Also, attention we pay to each and every ingredient. The respect we give the feijoa and the techniques we use.

The detail of the recipe and the manuka honey drizzled over the top. This is done as the loaf comes out of the oven, for that healthy honey infusion.

So grab your apron and let’s get started on this delectable feijoa loaf recipe. Whether you’re baking it for a special occasion or just craving a sweet treat.

This loaf is the perfect way to indulge your taste buds and satisfy the children. With a burst of feijoa and honey goodness. Now, let’s get baking!

The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey

Our Feijoa Loaf Recipe The Key Ingredient For A Moist Delicious Loaf

The key ingredient for our most delicious and moist feijoa loaf recipe you’ve ever tasted. Is our fresh feijoas, which are from the backyard.

In New Zealand, everyone has a feijoa tree in the garden. Their unique and delightful flavor makes for a delicious zesty loaf.

We carefully measure each ingredient, ensuring that the ratios are just right. We add just the right amount of honey, that perfectly complements the tangy feijoas.

But to do all this we first need the right ingredients. So, let us take you down the ingredient rabbit hole. So you too can share this amazing feijoa loaf recipe.

What you are going to need

  • 7 Feijoas (6 for the loaf, and 1 for garnishing).
  • 150 g (5.29 oz) Softened butter.
  • ¼ cup Castor sugar.
  • 3 Eggs size 6 room temp.
  • 1.5 cups of Self-raising flour.
  • ¼ cup Full cream milk warm.
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract.
  • ½ cup of Manuka honey.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Ingredients for our Feijoa Loaf Recipe
Ingredients for our Feijoa Loaf Recipe
  • Feijoas – These are from our backyard. When sourcing them make a visit to your local farmers market or pick your own orchard.
  • Butter – We use quality salted butter for a more rounded flavor. Look for regional butter, from a local producer.
  • Sugar – We are using fine castor sugar.
  • Eggs – Free range they have a natural flavor and bright yellow yolks. Look for certified free range eggs.
  • Milk – Full cream cow’s milk for a creamier flavor profile.
  • Vanilla Extract – Where possible use vanilla extract for an intoxicating vanilla infusion.
  • Honey – We are using Manuka honey. However, you can use clover honey or a blended variety.

Customize Your Feijoa Loaf Recipe With These Ingredient Variations

The beauty of baking is the ability to customize and create something truly unique. And when it comes to our feijoa loaf recipe, the possibilities for ingredient variations are endless.

Imagine the burst of flavor that comes with adding or substituting an ingredient. If you simply want to add a personal touch to your feijoa loaf recipe, these ingredient variations are sure to inspire and delight.

  • Texture – Adding a handful of chopped walnuts, almonds, or macadamias. Or the delightful crunch of toasted coconut sprinkled throughout the loaf.
  • Flavor – Consider incorporating a touch of citrus zest, such as lemon or orange, for a bright and refreshing pop of flavor.
    • Consider adding a teaspoon of ground cardamon, nutmeg, or cinnamon.
    • Try incorporating fresh ginger or rosemary for an earthy flavor.

For maximum flavor grate the ginger on a Microplane. Squeeze the juice out of the grated pulp and add only the juice to the batter. This will ensure that the ginger’s flavor is evenly distributed throughout your feijoa loaf.

  • Substitutions – Try using brown sugar or muscovado sugar (unrefined cane sugar) for a rich caramel flavor.
    • Replace the vanilla extract with almond essence for a subtle almond underlying flavor.
    • Try swapping out the honey for maple syrup, agave nectar, or even pomegranate molasses for a slightly different flavor profile.

Chefs Pro Tip — Avoid adding fresh citrus juice directly to the loaf batter. The acidity of citrus juice can alter the final product, resulting in a dense and dry loaf due to a chemical reaction with other ingredients.

The History Of Feijoas Discover The Origins Of This Delicious And Nutritious Fruit

The origins of feijoas can be traced back to South America where it is believed to have originated in the highlands of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.

The fruit was named after a Brazilian botanist, João da Silva Feijó, who discovered it in 1810. It was later introduced to Europe in the late 19th century.

Then to New Zealand in the early 20th century, where it thrived due to my country’s temperate climate. They thrive in Autumn (fall) in New Zealand.

We celebrate feijoas for their unique flavor profile that combines tartness, sweetness, and subtle earthy flavors. Making them a popular choice for chefs looking for unique flavors.

Their various culinary applications, from savory dishes to desserts, smoothies, and peeled eaten raw. They are a diverse unique fruit that we love cooking with.

Fresh Feijoas From Our Garden
Fresh Feijoas From Our Garden

The Definitive Feijoa Loaf Recipe Moist, Fluffy, And Infused With Sweet Honey

Our ultimate feijoa loaf recipe is a delicious and delectable treat that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth.

This definitive recipe will teach you how to infuse your loaf with sweet honey, resulting in a moist and fluffy texture that will have your taste buds singing.

First off start by measuring out your ingredients, so you’ve got the all on hand. Also, you’ll need a 13.5 by 23 cm (5.31 by 9.05 inches) loaf tin, buttered and lined with parchment or baking paper.

Buttered and Baking Paper Lined Loaf Tin
Buttered and Baking Paper Lined Loaf Tin
  • Preheat a convection oven to 165°C (329°F). For a regular conventual oven 185°C (365°F).
  1. Feijoa Perp – Peel 6 of the feijoas (keep the last one to use as a garnish when plating). Cut the peeled feijoas into evenly diced pieces. Place them into a bowl and set aside.
Peeled Diced Feijoas
Peeled Diced Feijoas
  1. The Feijoa Loaf Batter – Begin by creaming the butter and sugar until it becomes a light and fluffy mixture. Then, gradually add the eggs one at a time, ensuring you whisk the batter thoroughly after each addition.
    • Sift and add the self-raising flour, mixing until all the flour is incorporated. Next, whisk in the milk and vanilla extract until the batter is smooth and silky. If the batter appears too thick, add two to three tablespoons of warm water.
    • Add the diced feijoas to the batter and fold them in, so they are evenly incorporated.
Loaf Batter with the Feijoas Added
Loaf Batter with the Feijoas Added

Chefs Pro Tip — Use room-temperature eggs to prevent the batter from splitting or curdling and to create a more stable emulsion.

Ensure the butter doesn’t get too cold when creaming it with the sugar. It may impact the loaf’s texture. Keeping the batter at room temperature while mixing will result in a light, fluffy loaf.

  1. Loaf Tin And Oven – Pour the batter into the loaf tin and lightly tap it down on the bench. This is so the batter sits evenly in the loaf tin and doesn’t have any air pockets.
    • Place the loaf into a preheated oven straight away to prevent the baking powder from activating prematurely. Ensure the loaf tin is placed in the middle of the oven and bake for 50 minutes.
Feijoa Loaf Ready for the Oven
Feijoa Loaf Ready for the Oven
  1. Finishing The Feijoa Loaf – Once the Feijoa loaf has been baking for 55 minutes, check the loaf for doneness. A fully cooked loaf should be slightly firm to the touch and spring back when pressed.
    • Once the loaf is cooked, carefully remove it from the oven and warm up the honey. The next step is to pour the warmed honey over the hot feijoa loaf.
    • This will allow the honey to soak into the loaf and infuse it with a delicious natural sweet flavor.
    • Be sure to pour the honey evenly over the entire loaf to ensure that every bite of this feijoa loaf recipe is perfectly flavored. Allow the loaf to cool before slicing and serving.
Pouring Honey Over The Hot Feijoa Loaf
Pouring Honey Over The Hot Feijoa Loaf
  1. Slicing The Feijoa Loaf – Once the loaf is cooled carefully remove it from the loaf tin. Remove the baking paper, and slice it into even pieces. Now, you are ready to enjoy and share our feijoa loaf recipe.
Awesome Feijoa Loaf Recipe Cooked and Sliced To Perfection
Awesome Feijoa Loaf Recipe Cooked and Sliced To Perfection

Serving Suggestion – Peel the last feijoa and thinly slice it. Arrange it on a plate, and place the feijoa loaf on top of the sliced fruit. Add a generous amount of whipped cream or mascarpone and garnish with more sliced feijoa and some flowers. These are optional.

The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey
The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey

The Secrets To A Perfect Feijoa Loaf Every Time

Creating a perfect feijoa loaf is all about understanding the secrets to make it moist, flavorful, and delicious every time.

As a chef, I have spent countless hours perfecting the art of baking amazing treats. Now I am here to share my secrets with you.

The key to achieving a perfect feijoa loaf every time is in the ingredients, the technique, and the attention to detail.

  1. First, choose the freshest feijoas you can find, preferably ones that have just been picked. If you want a more tangy loaf opt for feijoas that are slightly underripe.
    • The quality of the fruit will determine the flavor and aroma of your feijoa loaf recipe.
  2. Then, ensure that your butter and eggs are at room temperature before you start baking.
    • This will allow them to emulsify and create a smooth, velvety batter that will rise beautifully in the oven.
  3. Next, sift your dry ingredients together to ensure that they are evenly distributed. This will prevent clumps and lumps from forming in the batter.
    • This will create a more uniform texture.
  4. When mixing the wet and dry ingredients together, be sure to do so gently and slowly. Using a whisk or spatula to combine them until just incorporated.
    • Overmixing will cause the ingredients to become agitated which could make the loaf become tough and dense.
  5. When it comes to baking, timing is crucial. Be sure to preheat your oven to the correct temperature before you start. Set a timer so that you can keep track of how long your loaf has been in the oven.
    • Avoid opening the oven door while the loaf is baking, as this can cause it to sink or collapse.
  6. Finally, infuse your feijoa loaf recipe with a natural sweet twist. Drizzle honey over the top of the loaf just as it comes out of the oven.
    • This will create a delicious, honey glaze that will complement the flavor of the fruit and add a touch of sweetness to each bite.
  1. Can You Cook Feijoas With The Skin On?

    Yes, you can cook feijoas with the skin on. The skin of the feijoa is edible and adds a slightly tangy flavor to the fruit. However, some people find the texture of the skin to be tough and prefer to remove it before eating.

    If you choose to cook feijoas with the skin on, it is important to wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. You can cook them in a variety of ways, including baking, stewing, or poaching.

    Keep in mind that the skin may add a slightly bitter taste to the fruit, so you may want to adjust your recipe accordingly. Additionally, if you are using feijoas in a baked recipe, you may want to consider removing the skin for a smoother texture. Ultimately, whether you cook feijoas with the skin on or not is a matter of personal preference.

  2. Can I Substitute Honey With Another Sweetener In Feijoa Loaf Recipe?

    Yes, you can substitute honey with other sweeteners in the Feijoa Loaf recipe. Some suitable alternatives include maple syrup, agave nectar, golden syrup, or pomegranate molasses.

    Keep in mind that different sweeteners have different levels of sweetness. So you may need to adjust the amount used, and taste before adding.

  3. Can I Freeze The Feijoa Loaf?

    Yes, you can freeze the feijoa loaf. To freeze the loaf, first, allow it to cool completely at room temperature. Once cooled, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to prevent freezer burn. Then place it in a freezer-safe container or bag. Label the container or bag with the date and contents, then place it in the freezer.

  4. How Should I Thaw My Feijoa Loaf?

    When you’re ready to enjoy the frozen loaf, remove it from the freezer and let it thaw at room temperature for a few hours. You can also warm it in the microwave. Keep in mind that freezing may slightly affect the texture of the loaf, but it should still be delicious.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey

The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey For A Sweet Twist

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PREP TIME: | 20 minutes
COOK TIME: | 55 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 1 hour 15 minutes
SERVINGS: | 10 portions



Looking for a unique and delicious dessert? Our feijoa loaf recipe, infused with honey, is the perfect sweet treat for any occasion! Try it, you'll be hooked.


  • 7 Feijoas 6 for the loaf, and 1 for garnishing
  • 150 g Butter softened
  • ¼ cup Sugar fine castor
  • 3 Eggs hens
  • 1 ½ cups Flour self-raising
  • ¼ cup Milk full cream
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract
  • ½ cup Honey Manuka
  • 1 cup Cream thickened for garnishing


  • First off start by measuring out your ingredients, so you’ve got the all on hand. Also, you’ll need a 13.5 by 23 cm (5.31 by 9.05 inches) loaf tin, buttered and lined with parchment or baking paper.
    Buttered and Baking Paper Lined Loaf Tin
  • Preheat Your Ovenconvection fan oven165 °C or conventual regular oven185 °C
    Feijoa Perp – Peel 6 of the feijoas (keep the last one to use as a garnish when plating). Cut the peeled feijoas into evenly diced pieces. Place them into a bowl and set aside.
    Peeled Diced Feijoas
  • The Feijoa Loaf Batter – Begin by creaming the butter and sugar until it becomes a light and fluffy mixture. Then, gradually add the eggs one at a time, ensuring you whisk the batter thoroughly after each addition.
    Sift and add the self-raising flour, mixing until all the flour is incorporated. Next, whisk in the milk and vanilla extract until the batter is smooth and silky. If the batter appears too thick, add two to three tablespoons of warm water.
    Add the diced feijoas to the batter and fold them in, so they are evenly incorporated.
    Loaf Batter with the Feijoas Added
  • Loaf Tin And Oven – Pour the batter into the loaf tin and lightly tap it down on the bench. This is so the batter sits evenly in the loaf tin and doesn’t have any air pockets.
    Place the loaf into a preheated oven straight away to prevent the baking powder from activating prematurely. Ensure the loaf tin is placed in the middle of the oven and bake for 50 minutes.
    Feijoa Loaf Ready for the Oven
  • Finishing The Feijoa Loaf – Once the Feijoa loaf has been baking for 55 minutes, check the loaf for doneness. A fully cooked loaf should be slightly firm to the touch and spring back when pressed.
    Once the loaf is cooked, carefully remove it from the oven and warm up some honey. The next step is to pour the warmed honey over the hot feijoa loaf.
    This will allow the honey to soak into the loaf and infuse it with a delicious natural sweet flavor.
    Be sure to pour the honey evenly over the entire loaf to ensure that every bite of this feijoa loaf recipe is perfectly flavored. Allow the loaf to cool before slicing and serving.
    Pouring Honey Over The Hot Feijoa Loaf
  • Slicing The Feijoa Loaf – Once the loaf is cooled carefully remove it from the loaf tin. Remove the baking paper, and slice it into even pieces. Now, you are ready to enjoy and share our feijoa loaf recipe.
    Awesome Feijoa Loaf Recipe Cooked and Sliced To Perfection
  • Serving Suggestion – Peel the last feijoa and thinly slice it. Arrange it on a plate, and place the feijoa loaf on top of the sliced fruit. Add a generous amount of whipped cream or mascarpone and garnish with more sliced feijoa and some flowers.
    The Perfect Feijoa Loaf Recipe Infused With Honey

Chef Tips

  • Use room-temperature eggs to prevent the batter from splitting or curdling and to create a more stable emulsion. Ensure the butter doesn’t get too cold when creaming the butter and sugar. It may impact the loaf’s texture. Keeping the batter at room temperature while mixing will result in a light, fluffy loaf.
The key to achieving a perfect Feijoa loaf every time is in the ingredients, the technique, and the attention to detail.
  1. First, choose the freshest feijoas you can find, preferably ones that have just been picked. If you want a more tangy loaf opt for feijoas that are slightly underripe.
    • The quality of the fruit will determine the flavor and aroma of your feijoa loaf recipe.
  2. Ensure that your butter and eggs are at room temperature before you start baking.
    • This will allow them to emulsify and create a smooth, velvety batter that will rise beautifully in the oven.
  3. Next, sift your dry ingredients together to ensure that they are evenly distributed. This will prevent clumps and lumps from forming in the batter.
    • This will create a more uniform texture.
  4. When mixing the wet and dry ingredients together, be sure to do so gently and slowly. Using a whisk or spatula to combine them until just incorporated.
    • Overmixing will cause the ingredients to become agitated which could make the loaf to become tough and dense.
  5. When it comes to baking, timing is crucial. Be sure to preheat your oven to the correct temperature before you start. Set a timer so that you can keep track of how long your loaf has been in the oven.
    • Avoid opening the oven door while the loaf is baking, as this can cause it to sink or collapse.
  6. Finally, infuse your feijoa loaf recipe with a natural sweet twist. Drizzle honey over the top of the loaf just as it comes out of the oven.
    • This will create a delicious, honey glaze that will complement the flavor of the fruit and add a touch of sweetness to each bite.
Ingredient Variations
  • Texture – Adding a handful of chopped walnuts, almonds, or macadamias. Or the delightful crunch of toasted coconut sprinkled throughout the loaf.
  • Flavor – Consider incorporating a touch of citrus zest, such as lemon or orange, for a bright and refreshing pop of flavor.
    • Consider adding a teaspoon of ground cardamon, nutmeg, or cinnamon.
    • Try incorporating fresh ginger or rosemary for an earthy flavor.
  • For maximum flavor grate the ginger on a Microplane. Squeeze the juice out of the grated pulp and add only the juice to the batter. This will ensure that the ginger’s flavor is evenly distributed throughout your feijoa loaf.
  • Substitutions – Try using brown sugar or muscovado sugar (unrefined cane sugar) for a rich caramel flavor.
    • Replace the vanilla extract with almond essence for a subtle almond underlying flavor.
    • Try swapping out the honey for maple syrup, agave nectar, or even pomegranate molasses for a slightly different flavor profile.
  • Avoid adding fresh citrus juice directly to the loaf batter. The acidity of citrus juice can alter the final product, resulting in a dense and dry loaf due to a chemical reaction with other ingredients.


Serving>1 serve | Calories>351kcal | Carbohydrates>34g | Protein>5g | Fat>23g | Saturated Fat>14g | Polyunsaturated Fat>1g | Monounsaturated Fat>6g | Trans Fat>0.5g | Cholesterol>109mg | Sodium>125mg | Potassium>83mg | Fiber>1g | Sugar>20g | Vitamin A>806IU | Vitamin C>0.5mg | Calcium>38mg | Iron>1mg
New Zealand
Feijoa Loaf
Feijoa Recipe

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