Privacy Policy

Number 8 Cooking, Privacy Policy

Welcome To Number 8 Cooking

Our website address:

We at Number 8 Cooking can be contacted here


By entering Number 8 Cooking, or making a purchase through our links, the user (that’s you) agrees to the following:

In order for us to grow our small business, Number 8 Cooking may earn revenue in a few different ways.

  • Linking to ingredients and kitchen equipment that we use in our recipes that you can purchase if you so desire.
  • Review kitchen equipment, ingredients, and associated products that we think could be of value to you.

We may earn an affiliate commission on the sale of kitchen equipment, ingredients, and associated products we use and link to. As an Amazon Associate, we could earn revenue from qualifying purchases.

If you purchase any kitchen equipment, ingredients, or associated products through our links, we thank you. Also, all this will be at no extra cost to you.

We strongly believe in transparency.


What Are Cookies? Cookies are small text files containing user ID’s that automatically appear on your device after visiting a website or browsing the internet.

The cookies stay in place until you delete them and get retrieved each time you visit a website, allowing it to recognize who is visiting at any given moment.

The recognition of your activity enables us to make this website more personalized and responsive to your needs.

This is done by looking at your interaction on our site, enabling us to deliver personalized services, and improving the experience for all future visitors.

Number 8 Cooking uses cookies as all websites do. So, have another cookie…

Managing Cookies

If you continue to use this website, you are consenting to our use of cookies. However, you can manage cookies in the settings of your internet browser.

The following links may be helpful for managing cookies.

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Embedded Content From Other Websites

You can read articles on this website without ever leaving it and still enjoy the same richness of content.

Articles on Number 8 Cooking could include embedded videos, images, or other types of media to enhance your reading experience!

Embedded content from other websites reacts in the same way as if you had visited that site.

Collecting Your Details

Contact information (first and last name, email address)

Providing your personal details is optional.

The choice is yours not to enter your email address. If you enter your personal details, we’ll keep your information safe by storing it in encrypted files, and only we have access to it.

If you do not provide us with your contact details, we may not be able to provide you with all our latest benefits on offer like latest recipes, trending cooking ideas, and cool gadgets or kitchen equipment.

However, you can still access and use Number 8 Cooking without giving us your personal details.

We Collect Your Contact Details For:

To keep you updated on our latest recipes, trending cooking ideas and cool gadgets or kitchen equipment, and exclusive newsletters only accessible to subscribers.

Please know that we respect your privacy immensely and will never rent or sell your email address. I will not compromise my integrity and credibility!

Updating Your Personal Details

You can update your personal details by contacting us at

You can also update your details at any time, by using the update details link in any email from us.

You have the right to request a copy of your contact details we hold; this will only ever be your first and last name and email address.

You can contact us for your details to be corrected if you suspect they are wrong.

Revoking Your Consent

You have the right to revoke your consent, if you revoke your consent this will in no way affect any kitchen equipment, ingredients, or associated products you have purchased from any of our links.

This is easily done by using the unsubscribe link in every email you receive from us.