Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub A Culinary Showstopper

Pot roasted beef with savory herb rub. Discover the magic of our culinary creation. A showstopper, sure to steal the spotlight! An old classic, given a facelift.

Pot roasted beef with savory herb rub is an awesome way to cook a secondary cut of beef. We’re using beef chuck which has some excellent flavor. Chuck interconnects to the ribeye (scotch) and has intermuscular fat. This is where the savory beef flavor is hidden.

We are doing something a little different. Diverse flavors and textures complement the beef. Parnisp puree, slow roasted shallots, fondant thyme potatoes, and zucchini Parisienne. (Zucchini cut into round shapes using a melon baller or parisienne cutter).

All tied together with sauce Espangnole. We are taking a chef’s approach to the presentation and plate design. This is something you can do at home.

This pot roasted beef with savory herb rub is a showstopper. The fusion of textures, flavors, and plating design come together. Creating a culinary masterpiece that will impress the inlaws. There is a little bit of work involved, yet, it is well worth it.

Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub

All The Ingredients You Will Need For Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub

Beef Pot Roast

  • 1.5kg (3.3lb) Whole beef chuck.
  • Sea salt (I’m using Himalayan pink, my favorite).
  • 5 Garlic cloves.
  • Dried porcini mushrooms.
  • 1 ½ cups of Water
  • 1 ½ cups of Red wine (Cab Sauv or Merlot).

Savory Herb Rub

  • 3 Sprigs of fresh thyme.
  • 3 Sprigs of fresh rosemary.
  • 3 Sprigs of fresh sage.


  • 6 Agria potatoes.
  • 4 Parsnips.
  • 2 zucchinis.
  • 8 Shallots.
  • 10 Garlic cloves.

Vegetable Condiments

  • 50g (1.76oz) Butter.
  • ¼ – ½ cup of Cream.
  • Rice bran oil.
  • Himalayan pink salt. Freshly ground black pepper.

Sauce Espagnole

  • 50g (1.76oz) Butter salted.
  • 3.5 tablespoons Flour strong or plain.
  • 2 cups Pot roast cooking juices or beef stock.
  • ½ teaspoon Salt Himalayan pink.
  • ¼ teaspoon Pepper ground white.


  • Fresh Thyme and sage leaves.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Beef Chuck – Known for its rich marbling and deeply savory flavor. It benefits from long, slow cooking. Which breaks down tough connective tissues, resulting in tender, flavorful meat. Look for well-marbled meat and a generous amount of fat.
Fresh Beef Chuck
Fresh Beef Chuck
  • Savory Herb Rub To infuse flavors into the beef, we created a savory herb rub. By combining three aromatic herbs thyme, rosemary, and sage. These herbs impart herbaceous notes into the meat. With their fragrant oils and harmonious blend of warm, earthy, and savory notes. Use fresh herbs where possible. If you only have dried available use ½ teaspoon to every teaspoon of fresh.
Fresh Herbs For The Pot Roast
Fresh Herbs For The Pot Roast
  • Parsnips – Sweet and earthy, parsnips bring a unique flavor profile to our pot roast. They add texture, depth, and complexity. Complementing the pot roasted beef with a savory herb rub. Source firm creamy colored parsnips.
  • Zucchini – Mild and slightly sweet tasting balances the richness of the dish. It adds vibrant color and a touch of subtle freshness. Look for dark green zucchini that are shiny and firm.
Vegetables For Pot Roasted Beef
Vegetables For Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub
  • Shallots – With their delicate flavor, they lend a hint of sweetness and moisture to the overall flavor and texture profile. They enhance the aroma and bring a touch of elegance to the dish.
  • Garlic – No culinary masterpiece is complete without the aromatic allure of roasted garlic. Its sweet pungent flavor when roasted adds a robust undertone that elevates the entire dish. Look for locally grown garlic for the best flavor.
  • Agria Potatoes – When it comes to the perfect accompaniment for pot roasted beef with savory herb rub. Agria potatoes are it. One of the beauties of Agria potatoes is their ability to adapt to various flavor profiles. This makes them perfect for potato fondant. Look for unwashed potatoes.

Chefs Pro Tip — Agria potatoes, in their unwashed state, have minimal water content. Making them an excellent choice for roasting, baking, and creating delicious potato fondant.

Agria Potatoes
Agria Potatoes
  • Sauce Espagnole – To go with our pot roasted beef with savory herb rub, we serve it with a classic Sauce Espagnole. This rich, velvety sauce is made by cooking a brown roux. Whisking in brown beef stock, and simmering for 30-40 minutes. This amplifies the flavors of the dish and adds a luxurious touch to every bite.
Espagnole Sauce Ingredients
Espagnole Sauce Ingredients

The Recipe For Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub

  • Preheat your oven to 130°C (266°F). For a convection oven 110°C (230°F).

Preparing The Beef

  1. Preparing The Beef – Let the beef sit covered for 30 minutes at room temperature. Lay some plastic wrap on the bench (for easy cleanup). Rub the salt over the entire surface of the beef chuck. Followed by half the savory herbs.
Fresh Beef Chuck
Fresh Beef Chuck
  1. Porcini Mushrooms – Place the dried porcini mushrooms into a dish and cover with boiling water. Let the mushrooms sit for 10 minutes.

Chefs Pro Tip — The dried porcini mushrooms and the rehydrating liquid will add an umami flavor. Umami adds an intense savoriness to the pot roasting stock.

Dried Porcini Mushroom Stock
Dried Porcini Mushroom Stock

Beef Caramelization

  1. Caramelizing The Beef – Heat a Dutch oven, casserole dish, or deep skillet with a lid. Add a drizzle of rice bran oil and sear the beef on all sides. Caramelizing the beef and sealing in all those delicious flavors and juices.
    • Deglaze with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of red wine. Place the rest of the fresh herbs into the dish. Also with the garlic cloves, rehydrated mushrooms, and mushroom liquid.
    • Place the lid securely on the dish and transfer it to the preheated oven for 2 ½ hours. After 2 ½ hours have elapsed carefully take out the covered dish from the oven. Remove the beef from the dish and proceed to cover it with aluminum foil. Allowing it to rest for 30 minutes.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Chefs Pro Tip — Halfway through the cooking process turn the beef. Monitor the liquid level and if it gets too low add more water or stock.

Strain the roasting liquid. This flavorful pot roasting liquid is chef’s gold. This can be used to make the sauce Espagnole.

Seared Beef with Fresh Herbs
Seared Beef with Fresh Herbs

Amazing Fondant Potatoes

  1. Fondant Potatoes – Peel the potatoes and cut them into rectangular shapes. Heat a cast iron pan and drizzle in the rice bran oil. Season the potatoes, add the potatoes to the pan, and caramelize the potatoes. Add the butter and fresh sprigs of thyme. Place the potatoes into the oven for 20-30 minutes.
  • You can cut the potatoes into any shape you like. I like rectangles for the plating design.
Potato Fondant with Fresh Thyme
Potato Fondant with Fresh Thyme

Roasting Shallots And Garlic

  1. Shallots and Garlic – Peel the shallots and garlic. Place them into aluminum and add salt and pepper and a drizzle of oil. Wrap them up and place them into the oven for 20 minutes. When they’re done remove from the oven and let them rest in the foil.

Chefs Pro Tip — By wrapping the shallots and garlic in the foil you’re creating a steam chamber. The vegetables become tender and sweet.

Slow Roasted Shallots and Garlic
Slow Roasted Shallots and Garlic

Silky Smooth Parsnip Puree

  1. Parsnip Puree – Peel the parsnips, and cut them into evenly sized pieces. Place them into a pot and cover with water, add salt, and simmer until soft. Drain the parsnips, and heat the cream in the same pot. Place the parsnips and cream into a blender and blend to a smooth puree.

For a silky smooth parsnip puree, pass it through a fine sieve. This is a chef’s technique to create beautiful purees.


  1. Zucchini – Using a Parisienne cutter. Cut round shapes from the zucchini. Bring seasoned water to a boil. Blanch the zucchini do this just before platting. Once blanched season the zucchini and drizzle over extra virgin olive oil.
Zucchini Parisienne
Zucchini Parisienne

Making The Sauce Espagnole

Plating Pot Roast Beef With Savory Herb Rub

  1. Plating To Impress – Plating your pot roasted beef with savory herb rub is easy. You can follow my design or create your own. Cut the pot roasted beef into even-sized pieces. (I cut them into rectangular shapes). However, you can do slices if you prefer. Next, the parsnip puree spread on the plates.
Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub Design
Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub Design
  1. Place the potato fondant and beef on top of the puree. Next, add the sweet roasted shallots and garlic. And the zucchini and spoon over the Espagnole sauce, followed by the fresh thyme and sage leaves. You can drizzle over extra virgin olive oil (this is optional).
Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub Plated
Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub Plated

Chefs Pro Tip — Pot Roasting Beef

Pot roasting beef is a culinary art that requires patience, skill, and attention to detail. Here are some detailed tips to help you achieve a perfect pot roasted beef with savory herb rub.

  1. Choose The Right Cut – Opt for cheaper tougher cuts of beef with good marbling. Such as chuck roast, brisket, or bottom round. These cuts when slow cooked yield beautiful flavor with a tender succulent texture.
  2. Season Generously – Season the beef generously with sea salt. rub fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage into the meat. This will create a savory herb rub. You can also rub garlic onto the surface of the meat.
  3. Sear For Flavor – Searing the beef in a hot pan with a little oil creates a caramelized crust on the meat’s surface. Adding depth of flavor to the final dish. It also locks in the juices, resulting in a moist and tender pot roast.
  4. Deglazing For Flavor – After searing deglaze with the wine and stock or water. This will dissolve the flavorful browned bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. To create a flavorful base for pot roasting the beef.
  5. Use Aromatics – Adding aromatic vegetables like garlic, or onions. Adding fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage to the pot enhances the overall flavor.
  6. Low And Slow – Pot roasting is all about gentle, slow cooking. Use low heat to maintain a simmer and prevent boiling. Which can toughen the meat. The oven is the perfect tool for this. As it provides consistent indirect even heat distribution.
  7. Baste And Turn – Halfway through the cooking process turn the beef. Occasionally bast the beef with the cooking liquid or pan juices. This helps to keep it moist and flavorful.
  8. Watch The Liquid Level – Ensure that there is enough liquid in the pot. This will keep the beef from drying out during cooking. Add more liquid if needed.
  9. Rest Before Slicing – After cooking, allow the pot roasted beef to rest for at least 15-20 minutes before slicing. This allows the meat to relax and the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. Resulting in a juicier and more tender roast.
  10. Strain The Sauce – Strain the cooking liquid through a fine mesh sieve to remove any solids. This makes a great base when making the sauce for your pot roasted beef with savory herb rub.
  1. How To Jazz Up A Pot Roast?

    This is how you jazz up a pot roast. These tips will help you to cook the perfect pot roasted beef.

    Choose The Right Cut — Opt for cheaper tougher cuts of beef with good marbling. Such as chuck roast, brisket, or bottom round.
    Season Generously — Season the beef generously with sea salt. rub fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage into the meat as well.
    Sear For Flavor — Searing the beef in a hot pan with a little oil creates a caramelized crust on the meat’s surface. Adding depth of flavor to the final dish.
    Deglazing For Flavor — After searing deglaze with the wine and stock or water. This will create a flavorful base for pot roasting the beef.
    Low And Slow — Pot roasting is all about gentle, slow cooking. Use low heat to maintain a simmer and prevent boiling. Which can toughen the meat.
    Baste And Turn — Halfway through the cooking process turn the beef. Occasionally bast with the cooking liquid.
    Watch The Liquid Level — Ensure that there is enough liquid in the pot. This will keep the beef from drying out. Add more liquid if needed.
    Rest Before Slicing — After cooking, allow the pot roasted beef to rest for at least 15-20 minutes before slicing. This allows the meat to relax and the juices to redistribute.
    Strain The Sauce — Strain the cooking liquid to remove any solids. This makes a great base when making the sauce.

  2. What Herb Is Best With Roast Beef?

    The herbs that are best for a pot roast are rosemary, thyme, and sage. This trio of herbs. Their earthy, aromatic flavor profile pairs exceptionally well with the rich, savory taste of beef. You can use fresh or dried. Depending on what you have on hand. If you are using dried ½ a teaspoon of each should be sufficient.

  3. Should Beef Be Seasoned Before Roasting?

    Yes, you should season the beef before pot roasting. This is essential to enhance its flavor and create a delicious and well-balanced dish. Seasoning the beef in advance allows the flavors to penetrate the meat. Resulting in a more flavorful and enjoyable roast.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub

Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub A Culinary Showstopper

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PREP TIME: | 30 minutes
COOK TIME: | 2 hours 30 minutes
RESTING TIME: | 20 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 3 hours 20 minutes
SERVINGS: | 6 people



Pot roasted beef with savory herb rub. Discover the magic of our culinary creation. A showstopper, sure to steal the spotlight! An old classic, given a facelift.


Beef Pot Roast

  • 1.5 kg Beef chuck whole
  • 1 tbsp Sea salt Himalayan pink
  • 2 tbsp Oil rice bran
  • 5 Garlic cloves
  • ¼ cup Porcini mushrooms dried
  • cups Water
  • cups Red wine Cab Sauv or Merlot

Savory Herb Rub

  • 3 sprigs Thyme fresh
  • 3 sprigs Rosemary fresh
  • 3 sprigs Sage fresh


  • 6 medium Potatoes Agria
  • 4 Parsnips
  • 2 Zucchini
  • 8 Shallots
  • 10 Garlic cloves

Vegetable Condiments

  • 50 g Butter unsalted
  • ¼-½ cup Cream
  • 2 tbsp Oil rice bran
  • Himalayan pink salt. Freshly ground black pepper

Sauce Espagnole

  • 50 g Butter salted
  • 3.5 tbsp Flour plain
  • 2 cups Pot roast cooking juices or beef stock
  • ½ tsp Sea salt Himalayan pink
  • ½ tsp Pepper White ground


  • Preheat your oven to oven top bottom130 °C. For a convection oven oven fan110 °C.
    Preparing The Beef – Let the beef sit covered for 30 minutes at room temperature. Lay some plastic wrap on the bench (for easy cleanup). Rub the salt over the entire surface of the beef chuck. Followed by half the savory herbs.
    Fresh Beef Chuck
  • Porcini Mushrooms – Place the dried porcini mushrooms into a dish and cover with boiling water. Let the mushrooms sit for 10 minutes.
    Dried Mushroom Stock
  • Caramelizing The Beef – Heat a Dutch oven, casserole dish, or deep skillet with a lid. Add a drizzle of rice bran oil and sear the beef on all sides. Caramelizing the beef and sealing in all those delicious flavors and juices. Deglaze with 1 cup of water and 1 cup of red wine. Place the rest of the fresh herbs into the dish. Also with the garlic cloves, rehydrated mushrooms, and mushroom liquid.
    Place the lid securely on the dish and transfer it to the preheated oven for 2 ½ hours. After 2 ½ hours has elapsed carefully take out the covered dish from the oven. Remove the beef from the dish and proceed to cover it with aluminum foil. Allowing it to rest for 30 minutes.
    Strain the roasting liquid. This flavorful pot roasting liquid is chef’s gold. This can be used to make the sauce Espagnole.
    Seared Beef with Fresh Herbs
  • Fondant Potatoes – Peel the potatoes and cut them into rectangular shapes. Heat a cast iron pan and drizzle in the rice bran oil. Season the potatoes, add the potatoes to the pan, and caramelize the potatoes. Add the butter and fresh sprigs of thyme. Place the potatoes into the oven for 20-30 minutes.
    Potato Fondant with Fresh Thyme
  • Shallots and Garlic – Peel the shallots and garlic. Place them into aluminum and add salt and pepper and a drizzle of oil. Wrap them up and place them into the oven for 20 minutes. When they’re done remove from the oven and let them rest in the foil.
    Slow Roasted Shallots and Garlic
  • Parsnip Puree – Peel the parsnips, and cut them into evenly sized pieces. Place them into a pot cover with water, add salt, and simmer until soft. Drain the parsnips, and heat the cream in the same pot. Place the parsnips and cream into a blender and blend to a smooth puree.
    Zucchini – Using a Parisienne cutter. Cut round shapes from the zucchini. Bring seasoned water to a boil. Blanch the zucchini do this just before platting. Once blanched season the zucchini and drizzle over extra virgin olive oil.
    Zucchini Parisienne
  • Making Sauce Espagnole This rich, velvety sauce is made by cooking a brown roux. Whisking in brown beef stock, and simmering for 30-40 minutes. This amplifies the flavors of the dish and adds a luxurious touch to every bite.
    Finished Sauce Espagnole Recipe
  • Plating To Impress – Plating your pot roasted beef with savory herb rub is easy. You can follow my design or create your own. Cut the pot roasted beef into even-sized pieces. (I cut them into rectangular shapes). However, you can do slices if you prefer. Next, the parsnip puree spread on the plates.
    Place the potato fondant and beef on top of the puree. Next, add the sweet roasted shallots and garlic. And the zucchini and spoon over the Espagnole sauce, followed by the fresh thyme and sage leaves. You can drizzle over extra virgin olive oil (this is optional).
    Pot Roasted Beef With Savory Herb Rub

Chef Tips

  1. Chefs Tip: The dried porcini mushrooms and the rehydrating liquid will add an umami flavor. Umami adds an intense savoriness to the pot roasting stock.
  2. Chefs Tip: Halfway through the cooking process turn the beef. Monitor the liquid level and if it gets too low add more water or stock.
  3. Chefs Tip: By wrapping the shallots and garlic in the foil you’re creating a steam chamber. The vegetables become tender and sweet.
Pot roasting beef is a culinary art that requires patience, skill, and attention to detail. Here are some detailed tips to help you achieve a perfect pot roasted beef with savory herb rub.
  1. Choose The Right Cut – Opt for cheaper tougher cuts of beef with good marbling. Such as chuck roast, brisket, or bottom round. These cuts when slow cooked yield beautiful flavor with a tender succulent texture.
  2. Season Generously – Season the beef generously with sea salt. rub fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage into the meat. This will create a savory herb rub. You can also rub garlic onto the surface of the meat.
  3. Sear For Flavor – Searing the beef in a hot pan with a little oil creates a caramelized crust on the meat’s surface. Adding depth of flavor to the final dish. It also locks in the juices, resulting in a moist and tender pot roast.
  4. Deglazing For Flavor – After searing deglaze with the wine and stock or water. This will dissolve the flavorful browned bits stuck to the bottom of the pan. To create a flavorful base for pot roasting the beef.
  5. Use Aromatics – Adding aromatic vegetables like garlic, or onions. Adding fresh herbs like thyme, rosemary, and sage to the pot enhances the overall flavor.
  6. Low And Slow – Pot roasting is all about gentle, slow cooking. Use low heat to maintain a simmer and prevent boiling. Which can toughen the meat. The oven is the perfect tool for this. As it provides consistent indirect even heat distribution.
  7. Baste And Turn – Halfway through the cooking process turn the beef. Occasionally bast the beef with the cooking liquid or pan juices. This helps to keep it moist and flavorful.
  8. Watch The Liquid Level – Ensure that there is enough liquid in the pot. This will keep the beef from drying out during cooking. Add more liquid if needed.
  9. Rest Before Slicing – After cooking, allow the pot roasted beef to rest for at least 15-20 minutes before slicing. This allows the meat to relax and the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. Resulting in a juicier and more tender roast.
  10. Strain The Sauce – Strain the cooking liquid through a fine mesh sieve to remove any solids. This makes a great base when making the sauce for your pot roasted beef with savory herb rub.


Serving>1serve | Calories>761kcal | Carbohydrates>54g | Protein>44g | Fat>42g | Saturated Fat>18g | Polyunsaturated Fat>4g | Monounsaturated Fat>19g | Trans Fat>2g | Cholesterol>165mg | Sodium>1547mg | Potassium>1978mg | Fiber>9g | Sugar>9g | Vitamin A>568IU | Vitamin C>58mg | Calcium>127mg | Iron>7mg
Main Course
New Zealand
Herb Rub
Pot Roast
Roasted Beef

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