Perfect Beef And Beetroot Burger Bolder And Better

Satisfy your burger cravings with our perfect beef and beetroot burger creation. Oozing with cheesy cheddar goodness. Bold, better, and utterly delicious.

Welcome to our burger experience, the perfect beef and beetroot burger. Bolder, better, and delicious. We’re about to take you on a burger culinary journey. If you’re craving a burger that’s not just ordinary, but extraordinary. You’ve come to the right blog.

Get ready to indulge in our fantastic beef and beetroot burger creation. With each bite, you’ll savor the smashed beef patty, homemade pickled beetroot, and cheesy cheddar goodness. That makes this perfect burger truly exceptional.

Brace yourself for a culinary adventure that’s bolder, better, and utterly delicious – because this is no ordinary burger affair.

Beef and Beetroot Burger

Beef And Beetroot Burger Ingredients Deep Dive

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in crafting the perfect beef and beetroot burger. The flavors and textures come together to create a delicious culinary experience. Our culinary masterpiece begins with the boldness of the smashed beef patty. With its sizzling sear that locks in the juicy tenderness. This central element forms the heart of this burger.

Surrounding the beef patty is a harmonious medley of ingredients that add their unique contributions to the dish. The sweet, earthy tang of the homemade pickled beetroot adds to the richness of the beef. Infusing a refreshing and slightly tangy sweetness that plays off the beef’s savory notes beautifully.

A fresh and crisp lettuce leaf provides a satisfying crunch and a burst of green freshness. While slices of melted aged cheddar cheese impart an umami savoriness to the patty. Together, these thoughtfully selected ingredients combine to create a gastronomic masterpiece.

Burger Ingredients

  • 600g (1.32lb) Ground beef 80/20 beef to fat.
  • 8 slices Beetroot pickled homemade.
  • 1 Tomato sliced.
  • 4 Lettuce leaves iceberg or romaine.
  • 1 Onion brown sliced.
  • 8 slices of Aged cheddar cheese.
  • ¼ cup Mayonnaise Best Foods.
  • ¼ cup Mustard yellow or wholegrain.
  • 4 Burger buns brioche.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Ingredients For My Beef and Beetroot Burger
Ingredients For My Beef and Beetroot Burger

Ingredient Deep Dive

  • Ground Beef — Look for ground beef or “mince” that has a good amount of fat. 80/20 beef to fat mix. This is the heart of the burger, providing a meaty and hearty base.
  • Homemade Pickled Beetroot — I pickle beetroot every year. It will elevate your burger with a tangy, earthy, and slightly sweet contrast. That adds a unique flavor profile and vibrant color.
Homemade Pickled Beetroot
Homemade Pickled Beetroot
  • Aged Cheddar Cheese — Aged cheddar is my second favorite cheese next to blue cheese. Source 6-18-month-old cheddar, the umami nutty flavor works wonders with the beef and beetroot.
Mature Aged Cheddar Cheese
Mature Aged Cheddar Cheese
  • Onion Slices — Adding a satisfying crunch and a hint of pungent sweetness. I use white onions, however, you could use red onion slices. Choose onions that are firm and are not sprouting.
  • Tomatoes — Offering a burst of juicy freshness. The tomatoes balance the richness of the beef and cheese. Heirloom or beefsteak varieties are awesome in burgers.
Sliced Tomatoes
Sliced Tomatoes
  • Iceberg Lettuce — Look for whole unbagged lettuces. Crisp and refreshing, the iceberg lettuce adds a satisfying healthy crunch.
  • Mayonnaise — I’m always using best foods mayonnaise. The mayo adds a creamy touch, enhancing the overall mouthfeel.
  • Yellow Mustard — Infusing a zesty kick, the yellow mustard brings a tangy and slightly spicy element.
  • Brioche Bun — The perfect vessel to hold this beef and beetroot burger masterpiece. The brioche bun is soft, and slightly sweet, and enhances the overall experience when toasted.

The Perfect Beef And Beetroot Burger Recipe

Creating a burger that’s not only flavorful but also visually appealing. This caters to those with a love for both classic beef burgers and unique, innovative twists on the traditional recipe.

If you are interested in exploring new and exciting flavors and textures in your homemade burgers. This recipe promises a detailed, step-by-step guide to creating a burger that’s not just delicious but perfect in the eyes of burger enthusiasts.

  • Preheat your oven to 120°C (248°F).

Making and Cooking The Beef Patties

  1. Burger Patties — Shape the ground beef into approximately 70g (2.46oz) spheres. Heat a cast iron skillet and drizzle rice bran oil onto the heated surface. Gently place 1 or 2 ground beef balls onto the hot skillet. Allow them to sizzle for 1 minute.
    • Cover with a sheet of parchment paper. Using a burger press or a saucepan firmly flatten the meat until it’s even. Remove the parchment paper, season the patty, and cook for 1-2 minutes.
    • Flip the patties and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Transfer the cooked patties to a baking tray. Keep them warm in a preheated oven. Repeat this process for all the patties until they are all cooked and in the oven.
  1. You should end up with 8 perfectly seared burger patties. For 4 of these patties, place 2 slices of cheese on each. Top each cheese-topped patty with another patty to create a cheese-filled duo. Remove the duos from the oven and allow them to rest, as the residual heat will gradually melt the cheese.
Smashed Beef Burger Patty
Smashed Beef Burger Patty

Burger Patty Tips

  • Choose the Right Meat — Use a blend of ground beef with a good fat-to-lean meat ratio. (80/20 is commonly recommended) for a juicy and flavorful patty.
  • Season Well — Season the surface of the patties as they are cooking. I use freshly ground Himalayan pink salt. You can season the patties with a combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. If you prefer.
  • Smashed Patties — Flatten out the beef patties while they are cooking. This will help them to cook fast while retaining their juiciness.
  • Preheating The Skillet — Whether using a skillet, grill, or griddle, make sure it’s preheated. This helps with achieving a good, caramelized sear.
  • Cook To Temperature — Use a meat thermometer to ensure your patties reach a safe internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). This guarantees that they are cooked through without being dry and overdone.
  • Resting Time — Allow the patties to rest for a few minutes after cooking. This helps the juices redistribute and results in a juicier burger.

Buns And Burger Assembly

  1. Brioche Buns — Slice and lightly toast the brioche buns. Arrange the bottom halves of the buns on your cutting board. Combine the mayonnaise and mustard. Then spread the mustard mayo mixture onto the bottom bun.
Sliced and Seasoned Heirloom Tomatoes
Sliced and Seasoned Heirloom Tomatoes
  1. Layer on lettuce, sliced tomato, onion, and pickled beetroot. Finally, place the cheese-topped beef patties on top. Spread more of the mustard mayo onto the top bun. Then assemble the burger by closing it with the top bun. A fantastic hamburger with beetroot.
Stacking The Burger
Stacking The Burger

Burger Assembly Tips

Remember, burger making is a blend of technique and creativity. Feel free to experiment with different combinations to find your perfect burger recipe! Never know it could be the next big thing.

  • Bun Choice — Opt for sturdy buns that can hold up to juicy patties and toppings without getting soggy. Brioche, potato, ciabatta, and sourdough buns are popular choices.
  • Toasting Buns — Lightly toast the buns to enhance their flavor and texture. You can do this in a toaster, on a grill, or in a skillet.
  • Sauce Placement — Spread sauces, such as mayo, BBQ sauce, ketchup, or mustard evenly on both sides of the bun. This will help to prevent the bun from getting soggy.
  • Layering — Layer your ingredients. Start with the sauce, then add lettuce, tomato, onion, and beetroot. Finally, the patty with melted cheese. This helps prevent the burger from becoming too messy.
  • Cheese Melting — To melt cheese effectively, cover the cooking surface with a lid. Or use a dome cover to trap heat and create a melting environment. Or stack one patty on top of the other with sliced cheese in the middle.
  • Customize Toppings — Get creative with toppings. Sautéed mushrooms, steaky bacon, avocado, balsamic pickled onions, or a fried egg. Unique condiments to add variety and flavor.
  • Balance Flavors — Aim for a balance of flavors and textures. Consider sweet, salty, tangy, and savory elements to create a well-rounded burger.
Beef and Beetroot Burger
Finished Perfect Beef and Beetroot Burger
  1. What Are The Ingredients In The Perfect Beef And Beetroot Burger?

    The key ingredients for the perfect beef and beetroot burger are smash patties made from 100% New Zealand ground beef. Homemade pickled beetroot. Mature aged cheddar cheese, crisp iceberg lettuce, tomato, onion, and mustard mayo. It is served on a toasted brioche bun.

  2. What Makes The Perfect Beef And Beetroot Burger Different From Other Burgers?

    Our beef and beetroot burger is different from other burgers because of the unique blend of flavors and textures. The inclusion of homemade pickled beetroot not only adds a vibrant color. But also imparts a unique homemade sweet, tangy, and earthy taste.

    The addition of mature-aged British cheddar adds an umami taste to every bite. The caramelized 100% New Zealand beef smash patty brings all the ingredients together. Creating a bolder and more satisfying eating experience.

  3. Does The Beetroot Flavor Overpower The Burger?

    No, the beetroot flavor does not overpower the burger. In fact, it adds a pleasant earthy note. It stacks up well against the rich mature aged cheddar and tasty smashed beef patty.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

Beef and Beetroot Burger

Perfect Beef And Beetroot Burger Bolder And Better

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PREP TIME: | 10 minutes
COOK TIME: | 30 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 40 minutes
SERVINGS: | 4 people



Satisfy your burger cravings with our perfect beef and beetroot burger creation. Oozing with cheesy cheddar goodness. Bold, better, and utterly delicious.


  • 600 g Ground beef 80/20 beef to fat
  • 8 slices Beetroot homemade pickled
  • 1 sliced Tomato
  • 4 leaves Lettuce iceberg or romaine
  • 1 sliced Onion brown or red
  • 8 slices Cheddar cheese mature, aged
  • ¼ cup Mayonnaise best foods
  • ¼ cup Mustard yellow or wholegrain
  • 4 Buns brioche or sourdough
  • 2 tbsp Rice bran oil
  • Himalayan pink salt. Freshly ground black pepper


  • Burger Patties – Shape the ground beef into approximately 70g (2.46oz) spheres. Heat a cast iron skillet and drizzle rice bran oil onto the heated surface. Gently place 1 or 2 ground beef balls onto the hot skillet. Allow them to sizzle for 1 minute.
    Cover with a sheet of parchment paper. Using a burger press or a saucepan firmly flatten the meat until it’s even. Remove the parchment paper, season the patty, and cook for 1-2 minutes.
    Flip the patties and cook for an additional 2 minutes. Transfer the cooked patties to a baking tray. Keep them warm in a preheated oven. Repeat this process for all the patties until they are all cooked and in the oven.
    You should end up with 8 perfectly seared burger patties. For 4 of these patties, place 2 slices of cheese on each. Top each cheese-topped patty with another patty to create a cheese-filled duo. Remove the duos from the oven and allow them to rest, as the residual heat will gradually melt the cheese.
    Smashed Beef Burger Patty
  • Brioche Buns – Slice and lightly toast the brioche buns. Arrange the bottom halves of the buns on your cutting board. Combine the mayonnaise and mustard. Then spread the mustard mayo mixture onto the bottom bun.
    Layer on lettuce, sliced tomato, onion, and pickled beetroot.
    Stacking The Burger
  • Finally, place the cheese-topped beef patties on top. Spread more of the mustard mayo onto the top bun. Then assemble the burger by closing it with the top bun. A fantastic hamburger with beetroot.
    Beef and Beetroot Burger

Chef Tips

  • Choose the Right Meat – Use a blend of ground beef with a good fat-to-lean meat ratio. (80/20 is commonly recommended) for a juicy and flavorful patty.
  • Season Well – Season the surface of the patties as they are cooking. I use freshly ground Himalayan pink salt. You can season the patties with a combination of salt, pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. If you prefer.
  • Smashed Patties – Flatten out the beef patties while they are cooking. This will help them to cook fast while retaining their juiciness.
  • Preheating The Skillet – Whether using a skillet, grill, or griddle, make sure it’s preheated. This helps with achieving a good, caramelized sear.
  • Cook To Temperature – Use a meat thermometer to ensure your patties reach a safe internal temperature of 160°F (71°C). This guarantees that they are cooked through without being dry and overdone.
  • Resting Time – Allow the patties to rest for a few minutes after cooking. This helps the juices redistribute and results in a juicier burger.
  • Bun Choice – Opt for sturdy buns that can hold up to juicy patties and toppings without getting soggy. Brioche, potato, ciabatta, and sourdough buns are popular choices.
  • Toasting Buns – Lightly toast the buns to enhance their flavor and texture. You can do this in a toaster, on a grill, or in a skillet.
  • Sauce Placement – Spread sauces, such as mayo, bbq sauce, ketchup, or mustard evenly on both sides of the bun. This will help to prevent the bun from getting soggy.
  • Layering – Layer your ingredients. Start with the sauce, then add lettuce, tomato, onion, and beetroot. Finally, the patty with melted cheese. This helps prevent the burger from becoming too messy.
  • Cheese Melting – To melt cheese effectively, cover the cooking surface with a lid. Or use a dome cover to trap heat and create a melting environment. Or stack one patty on top of the other with sliced cheese in the middle.
  • Customize Toppings – Get creative with toppings. Sautéed mushrooms, steaky bacon, avocado, balsamic pickled onions, or a fried egg. Unique condiments to add variety and flavor.
  • Balance Flavors – Aim for a balance of flavors and textures. Consider sweet, salty, tangy, and savory elements to create a well-rounded burger.


Serving>1serve | Calories>886kcal | Carbohydrates>40g | Protein>41g | Fat>62g | Saturated Fat>21g | Polyunsaturated Fat>10g | Monounsaturated Fat>21g | Trans Fat>2g | Cholesterol>146mg | Sodium>892mg | Potassium>660mg | Fiber>3g | Sugar>8g | Vitamin A>816IU | Vitamin C>9mg | Calcium>299mg | Iron>14mg
Main Course
Ground Beef

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