Oven Roasted Corn On The Cob With Garlic Butter And Parmesan A Step By Step Guide

Learn how to make the perfect oven roasted corn on the cob with garlic butter and parmesan in this step-by-step guide. Discover the secret to juicy and flavorful corn cobs every time.

Discover The Secret To Perfectly Oven Roasted Corn On The Cob With Garlic Butter And Parmesan

Corn on the cob is a staple of summer barbecues and cookouts, however, have you ever considered oven roasted corn on the cob with garlic butter instead? Oven roasting is a delicious and easy alternative to grilling, especially when the weather isn’t cooperating.

Not only does oven roasting allow you to enjoy the sweet, and tender corn cobs. It also caramelizes the natural sugars in the corn, giving it an even richer, sweeter flavor. Add parmesan and homemade garlic butter you’ve got a game-changer.

In this post, we’ll be sharing a step-by-step guide to oven roasting corn on the cob with garlic butter and parmesan. An irresistible combination of flavors that will shoot your humble corn on the cob to the next level. So, preheat your oven, and let’s get started!

Oven Roasted Corn On The Cobb With Garlic Butter And Parmesan

Get Your Kitchen Ready A Step-By-Step Guide To Preparing The Perfect Corn On The Cob

Garlic Butter Corn On The Cob Ingredients
Garlic Butter Corn On The Cob Ingredients

Before we start roasting, let’s go over how to prepare the ingredients. Just like any other dish, selecting the right ingredients is the key to making the dish a success.

  • 3 ears of Sweet corn
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 80g (2.28oz) Butter unsalted
  • ½ tsp Salt Himalayan pink
  • ¼ tsp Black pepper freshly ground
  • Parmigiano Reggiano grated
  • 1 sprig Thyme fresh

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Purchasing And Clean Corn

  • Purchasing Corn — Look for ears of sweet corn with tight, green husks and plump, yellow kernels. Avoid ears with dry or moldy husks, or brown discolored kernels as these are signs of old corn.
  • Cleaning The Corn — Next, we’ll need to husk and clean the corn. Start by peeling back the husks and removing the silk strands by running your hand up and down the cobs, then rinse the corn under cold water.

Making Garlic Butter

  • Garlic Butter — To make the garlic butter, simply smash together garlic, Himalayan pink salt, and freshly ground black pepper. I use a mortar and pestle to smash the garlic.
Smashed Garlic
Smashed Garlic

Chefs Tip: Adding salt to the garlic and smashing it in a mortar and pestle brings out the natural oils in the garlic. This also gives the garlic a punchy flavor that complements the corn when roasted.

Garlic Butter
Garlic Butter
Brushing Garlic Butter Onto Corn
Brushing Garlic Butter Onto Corn

Once the corn and garlic butter are prepped, we’re ready to move on to the oven roasted corn on the cob. To help the garlic butter stick to the corn, we recommend brushing the corn with the garlic butter before roasting.

  • Generously brush with the garlic butter mixture, and sprinkle with a little more salt. While saving some of the garlic butter to bast the corn while it is roasting. This also helps prevent the corn from drying out while cooking.

Bring On The Heat How To Roast Corn On The Cob To Perfection

The actual roasting process of garlic butter corn cobs is simple and straightforward.

Garlic Butter Corn On The Cob
Garlic Butter Corn On The Cob
  • Preheat your oven to 220°C (425°F). For a convection oven heat to 205°C (400°F).

Roasting The Garlic Buttered Corn

  • Roasting Corn On The Cob — Line a shallow baking tray with parchment paper. Place the prepared corn on the baking tray.
    • Place the corn into the oven and roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Until the kernels are tender and slightly caramelized.

Chefs Pro Tip — To ensure even cooking, it’s best to rotate the corn on the baking tray while basting with the extra garlic butter every 10 minutes. The end result should be juicy, tender corn with a crispy, crunchy, and caramelized exterior.

If you’re roasting multiple ears of corn, it’s best to place them in a single layer on the baking tray. Crowding the corn will make it harder for heat to circulate, leading to uneven caramelization and cooking.

Also, the larger the ear of corn, the longer it will take to cook, so you’ll need to adjust the cooking time accordingly. A good rule I like to follow is to allow for about 10 minutes of cooking time per ear of corn.

If you want more caramelized corn cobs leave them in the oven for another 10 minutes or so. When the corn is done, remove it from the oven and allow it to rest for 1-2 minutes.

Take Your Corn To The Next Level The Best Toppings For Roasted Corn On The Cob

Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmigiano Reggiano

Now comes the fun part of topping the corn! To finish off our oven roasted corn on the cob I brush on any remaining garlic butter. Then I use a Microplane (fine cheese grater) to generously grate the parmesan over the top.

Followed by a sprinkling of fresh thyme leaves, when the parmesan and thyme hit the hot corn the parmesan melts in between the corn kernels and the thyme gives off an intoxicating aroma that will make your mouth water.

If you’re feeling adventurous, there are plenty of other toppings you can add to this oven roasted corn on the cob as well. Some popular options include cilantro, sliced fresh chilies, a sprinkling of smoked paprika, and even a squeeze of fresh lime.

If you think about it the possibilities are endless. So, I encourage you to get creative and experiment with different flavors!

Hot Off The Oven The Do’s And Don’ts Of Serving And Storing Roasted Corn On The Cob

This oven roasted corn on the cob with garlic butter and parmesan is best served immediately while it’s still hot. However, if you have leftovers, they can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

To reheat the corn, simply place it in the oven at 180°C (350°F) for about 10-15 minutes, or until heated through. You can also microwave the corn, but be aware that the texture may be slightly softer.

Overall, oven roasted corn on the cob with garlic butter and parmesan is a delicious and easy way to enjoy sweet, juicy corn cobs. Perfect addition for a potluck dinner or simply enjoying a weeknight side with dinner at home, this oven roasted corn on the cob is sure to be a hit with everyone.

Indulge In Sweet And Savory Deliciousness The Ultimate Guide To Oven Roasted Corn On The Cob

Oven Roasted Corn On The Cobb With Garlic Butter And Parmesan
Oven Roasted Corn On The Cobb With Garlic Butter And Parmesan

Corn on the cob is a summer staple. With this oven roasted recipe, you can enjoy the humble corn on the cob with an array of different flavors.

With a simple combination of garlic butter, parmesan cheese, and a little bit of heat, you can create a delicious and satisfying dish that’s perfect for any occasion.

The best part about this recipe is that it’s easy to customize. If you prefer a little bit of spice or a squeeze of lime, the possibilities are endless.

You can also scale the recipe up or down to suit your needs, making it perfect for feeding a crowd or just a few people.

So, when you’re looking for a delicious and easy way to enjoy corn on the cob, give this roasted corn cob recipe a try. We’re confident that this recipe will quickly become a favorite in your household.

  1. What Kind Of Corn Should I Use For Oven Roasted Corn On The Cob?

    Fresh, seasonal sweet corn is best for this recipe. Choose corn that has bright green husks with yellow and plump kernels. If possible, look for corn picked within the last 24 hours, as this will result in the sweetest and juiciest kernels.

  2. Can I Use Salted Butter Instead Of Unsalted Butter?

    Yes, you can use either unsalted or salted butter for this recipe. However, if using salted butter, remember that the final dish will be saltier. So, adjust the amount of salt you’re going to add.

  3. Can I Use A Different Type Of Cheese Instead Of Parmesan?

    Yes, you can use other hard, flavorful cheeses like Pecorino Romano, Cheddar, Emmental, or Grana Padano instead of parmesan. I encourage you to experiment with other cheeses.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

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Oven Roasted Corn On The Cobb With Garlic Butter And Parmesan

Oven Roasted Corn On The Cob With Garlic Butter And Parmesan A Step By Step Guide

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PREP TIME: | 10 minutes
COOK TIME: | 25 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 30 minutes
SERVINGS: | 2 people



Learn how to make the perfect oven roasted corn on the cob with garlic butter and parmesan in this step-by-step guide. Discover the secret to juicy and flavorful corn cobs every time.


  • 3 ears Sweet corn
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 80 g Butter unsalted
  • ½ tsp Salt Himalayan pink
  • ¼ tsp Black pepper freshly ground
  • Parmigiano Reggiano grated
  • 1 sprig Thyme fresh


  • Preheat Your Oven – to convection fan oven200 °C or conventual regular oven220 °C
    Cleaning The Corn – Start by peeling back the husks and removing the silk strands by running your hand up and down the cobs, then rinse the corn under cold water.
    Making Garlic Butter – To make the garlic butter, simply smash together garlic, Himalayan pink salt, and freshly ground black pepper. I use a mortar and pestle to smash the garlic.
    Garlic Butter
  • Buttering The Corn – To help the garlic butter stick to the corn, we recommend brushing the corn with the garlic butter before roasting.
    Generously brush the corn with the garlic butter mixture, and sprinkle with a little more salt. While saving some of the garlic butter to bast the corn while it is roasting. This also helps prevent the corn from drying out while cooking.
    Brushing Garlic Butter Onto Corn
  • Roasting The Corn – Line a shallow baking tray with parchment paper. Place the prepared corn on the baking tray. Place the corn into the oven and roast for 20-25 minutes. Until the kernels are tender and slightly caramelized.
    Rotate the corn on the baking sheet while basting with the extra garlic butter every 10 minutes. The end result should be juicy, tender corn with a crispy, crunchy, and caramelized exterior.
    Garlic Butter Corn On The Cob
  • Plating – Place the roasted garlic butter corn onto a plate. To finish off I brush on any remaining garlic butter and use a Microplane (fine cheese grater) to generously grate the parmesan over the top. Followed by a sprinkling of fresh thyme leaves.
    Oven Roasted Corn On The Cobb With Garlic Butter And Parmesan

Chef Tips

  • Choose the freshest corn possible. Fresh corn is essential for this recipe, as it will result in sweet and juicy kernels. Look for corn with bright green husks, bright yellow, and plump kernels.
  • Don’t skimp on the garlic butter. The garlic butter is what gives this dish its rich and savory flavor, so be generous and use plenty of it. You can make extra garlic butter and store it in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
  • If you’re roasting multiple ears of corn, it’s best to place them in a single layer on a baking tray. Crowding the corn will make it harder for heat to circulate, leading to uneven caramelization and cooking.
  • Use high-quality parmesan cheese. Parmesan cheese adds umami (pleasant savory flavor) the key to getting the right flavor for this dish. Use freshly grated Parmesan cheese if possible. You can also use other types of hard, flavorful cheese, like Pecorino, Romano, Cheddar, Emmental, or Grana Padano.
  • Be careful not to overcook the corn. Overcooking the corn will result in tough and chewy kernels. Roast the corn for 20 to 25 minutes, or until the kernels are tender and caramelized.
  • Experiment with different toppings and flavor combinations. This recipe is a great starting point, however, you can also play around with different toppings and flavor combinations to make it your own. Consider using different herbs or spices in the garlic butter, or adding a squeeze of lime juice just before serving for a fresh burst of flavor.


Serving>3 serves | Calories>273kcal | Carbohydrates>60g | Protein>6g | Fat>3g | Saturated Fat>1g | Polyunsaturated Fat>1g | Monounsaturated Fat>1g | Trans Fat>0.1g | Sodium>1185mg | Potassium>411mg | Fiber>3g | Sugar>26g | Vitamin A>277IU | Vitamin C>12mg | Calcium>101mg | Iron>2mg
Side Dish
New Zealand
Garlic Butter
Oven Roasted
Sweet Corn

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