My Signature Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe Zesty Creamy Delight

Try our signature lemon baked cheesecake recipe. A creamy citrus flavor explosion. Lemon and cream cheese baked into a cheesecake with a crumbed biscuit base.

Welcome to my kitchen where I am sharing my lemon baked cheesecake recipe. The zesty flavors and creamy goodness will leave you in amazement.

I will guide you step by step through the process of creating this classic dessert. From the base to the creamy citrus filling, while sharing my expert tips and tricks along the way.

This has become one of my signature desserts. Great winter treat that will also become a staple in your dessert recipe repertoire. This cheesecake was born from my love of zesty citrus flavors.

Lemons, limes, and oranges have punchy flavors that can bring food to life. Fresh lemon juice when combined with other ingredients can transform their flavor profile.

Read on and follow me on this recipe journey where you will learn firsthand how to bake a lemon cheesecake. Continue scrolling to explore the world of homemade baked lemon cheesecake. As a chef with expertise in baking, I’m excited to share this recipe with you.

My Signature Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe

Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe Ingredient Deep Dive

In this deep dive, let’s explore each ingredient of my lemon baked cheesecake recipe. Uncovering the details and characteristics of each ingredient. How they all contribute to the finished taste and texture. Of this delightful homemade baked cheesecake.

By selecting the right ingredients, you’ll achieve a lemon baked cheesecake. That is bursting with citrus flavor and velvety textures. Achieving a harmonious balance of zesty sweetness.

Gather those essential ingredients, and roll up your sleeves. Let your culinary skills shine. As you embark on the journey of creating your own lemon baked cheesecake recipe.

Ingredients For My Baked Lemon Cheesecake Recipe
Ingredients For My Baked Lemon Cheesecake Recipe
  • 1 ½ cups malt biscuit crumbs.
  • 100g (3.52oz) Salted butter, melted.

Baked Cheesecake Filling

  • 750g (1.65lb) Cream cheese, softened.
  • 150g (5.29oz) Icing (powdered) sugar.
  • 4 Lemons, juice only.
  • 3 Hen’s eggs, size 6.
  • 200g (7.05oz) Sour cream.
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch.

Topping Ingredients

  • 2 Lemons, thinly sliced.
  • ½ cup Sugar, castor.
  • 1 cup Water.


  • 1 cup Strawberries and blueberries, frozen.
  • ½ cup Sugar, castor.
  • 2 tablespoons Water.
  • Fresh mint leaves.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

  • Malt Biscuit Crumbs – They provide a texture to the base that has a subtle sweet flavor. Look for malt biscuit crumbs or buy whole biscuits and crush them into crumbs yourself.
  • Salted Butter – When melted it binds the biscuit crumbs together. Creating a solid base that holds up well when slicing the cheesecake. Salted butter brings out the flavors of the base.
  • Fresh Lemons – These are the keys to infusing my cheesecake with a bright zesty flavor. Lemons add a refreshing citrusy note that cuts through the cream cheese. Their natural acidity balances the sweetness. Look for bright yellow lemons that are firm and well-balanced when touched. Meyer or Yen Ben varieties are perfect for this baked cheesecake recipe.
Meyer Lemons
Meyer Lemons
  • Cream Cheese – Cream cheese forms the creamy foundation of the filling. Providing protein-rich fattiness and velvety texture. to the cheesecake. Opt for quality cream cheese, I’m using Philadelphia cream cheese.
  • Icing Sugar – Also known as powdered sugar or confectioners’ sugar. Helps to sweeten the cheesecake filling. Its fine texture ensures easy incorporation into the cream cheese. Creating a smooth and homogeneous mixture. The icing sugar acts as a seasoning and balances the tartness of the lemon.

Chefs Pro Tip — When mixing sugar with lemon juice it acts as a flavor enhancer. The sugar brings out the natural citrus flavors of the lemon. So, add a touch more sugar if you want more lemon zestiness.

  • Hen’s Eggs – These are the binding agent in the filling. They will stop the top of the cheesecake from cracking. They add structure and stability to the cheesecake. They also provide a beautiful golden color. Source free-range or barn-raised eggs.
  • Sour Cream – Plays a crucial role in achieving the perfect balance of flavors in my recipe. Its subtle tanginess adds complexity and depth to the cheesecake. Look for local traditional sour cream.
  • Cornstarch – Serves as a thickening agent in the cheesecake filling. It helps to stabilize the mixture. The addition of cornstarch ensures that the filling sets during baking and cooling.

Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe

  • Preheat your oven to 160°C (320°F). For a convection oven 150°C (300°F).
  1. Grease the bottom and sides of a 9-inch (23 cm) springform cake tin. Line the base and side with parchment paper and set it aside.
Spring Form Tin Lined With Baking Paper and Buttered
Spring Form Tin Lined With Baking Paper and Buttered

Preparing The Lemon Cheesecake Filling

  1. In a medium bowl, combine the malt biscuit crumbs and melted butter. Mix until the crumbs are coated in the butter.
    • Press the crumb mixture into the bottom of the prepared springform tin. To create an even layer. You can use the back of a spoon or the bottom of a glass to press the crumbs down firmly.
    • Place the cake tin into the fridge. This will help the biscuit base to cool and set ready for the filling.
Bake Lemon Cheesecake Base
Bake Lemon Cheesecake Base
  1. In a large mixing bowl. Beat the softened cream cheese until smooth and creamy. You can use an electric mixer or a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. You could also use a countertop blender as I have.
    • Add the lemon juice, and beat until it is thoroughly combined, ensuring a smooth and uniform texture.

Regularly scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula. This will stop any lumps of cream cheese from forming.

  1. Add the lemon juice, and beat until combined, ensuring a smooth and uniform texture.
    • Crack the hen’s eggs into a separate bowl. Then add them one at a time to the cream cheese mixture. Beating well after each addition. Make sure each egg is incorporated before adding the next.
    • Mix the cornstarch and sour cream together. Add to the cheesecake mixture and beat on a slow speed (2 or 3) until the sour cream is evenly incorporated.
Mixing The Cheesecake Filling
Mixing The Cheesecake Filling
  1. Pour the filling into the prepared springform cake tin. Tap the tin gently on the countertop a few times. This will help spread the filling out. Also, remove any air bubbles trapped in the filling.

Baking The Cheesecake

  1. Place the springform tin inside a larger baking dish. The base of the baking dish should be lined with a towel. Pour hot water into the larger dish, creating a water bath. The water should reach about halfway up the sides of the springform tin. This will help prevent the cheesecake from overheating and cracking on the surface.

Chefs Pro Tip — Laying a towel on the base of the baking tray to help prevent overheating. A good idea is to wrap aluminum foil around the cake tin. This will stop any water from seeping in around the springform tin base.

  1. Carefully transfer the water bath with the cheesecake to the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 60-70 minutes or until the edges are set and the center is slightly jiggly.
    • Once baked, turn off the oven and let the cheesecake cool in the oven for about 1 hour. This gradual cooling helps prevent the cheesecake from cracking.

Setting The Cheesecake

  1. Remove the springform tin from the water bath. Remove the aluminum foil. Allow the cheesecake to cool completely at room temperature. Once cooled, refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight. This will firm up the lemon baked cheesecake and infuse the flavors.

When the cheesecake is fully set. Carefully remove the sides of the springform tin. Peel off the baking paper.

Caramelizing My Bake Lemon Cheesecake
Caramelizing My Bake Lemon Cheesecake

If desired, garnish the cheesecake with candied lemon slices. This is optional however, it adds a nice touch.

Candied Lemon Slices

In a saucepan add the castor sugar and water. Bring to a boil until the sugar has resolved. Add the sliced lemon and coat in the sugar syrup. Layer the candied lemon slices on top of the lemon baked cheesecake. Let them set in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Finished Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe
Finished Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe

Berry Compote

Place the frozen mixed berries into a saucepan. Add the second measure of castor sugar and water. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10-15 minutes. Cool completely in the fridge.

Portioning And Plating Your Lemon Baked Cheesecake

Cut the baked cheesecake into 12 even pieces. For a professional finish, you can caramelize the top.

Sprinkle an even layer of castor sugar on the surface of the cheesecake. Use a blow torch to caramelize the sugar creating a caramel glass-like surface.

Place a slice of lemon baked cheesecake onto a plate and garnish with the berry compote and fresh mint leaves.

Plated Baked Lemon Cheesecake
Plated Baked Lemon Cheesecake

Chefs Pro Tip — Baking A Perfect Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe

  1. Fresh Lemons – Fresh lemon juice provides the most vibrant and intense lemon flavor.
  2. Mixing The Cheesecake – Regularly scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula. This will stop any lumps of cream cheese from forming.
  3. Bake In A Water Bath – Placing the springform tin in a water bath helps regulate the temperature. Which prevents the cheesecake from drying out or cracking. Wrap the bottom of the pan with aluminum foil to prevent water from seeping in.
  4. Gradual Cooling – After baking, let the cheesecake cool in the turned-off oven. Let it sit for about an hour before transferring it to room temperature. This gradual cooling helps prevent sudden temperature changes that can cause cracks.
  5. Chill Before Serving – For the best texture and flavor, refrigerate the cheesecake. At least 4 hours or overnight before serving. This allows it to firm up and the flavors fuse together.
  6. Use A Sharp Knife – When slicing the cheesecake. Dip the knife in boiled hot water. Wipe it clean between each cut for professional-looking slices.
  7. Caramelize The Top – For a professional finish sprinkle castor sugar on the top of the cheesecake. Using a blow torch caramelize the sugar creating a glass-like finish. This is the perfect lemon baked cheesecake recipe.
  1. What’s The Difference Between Cheesecake And Baked Cheesecake?

    The difference between a cheesecake and a baked cheesecake. Is the ingredients and method. A cold-set cheesecake has no eggs or cornstarch in the filling. Cold-set cheesecakes are set in the fridge using gelatin or agar-agar (plant-based Gelatin). They are lighter than baked cheesecakes.

    A baked cheesecake has eggs and cornstarch in the filling. Baking in the oven helps it to bind and set. It is then cooled and placed into the fridge to set completely. Baked cheesecakes don’t need gelatin and are heavier than cold-set cheesecakes.

  2. Why Do You Put Sour Cream In Cheesecake?

    Putting sour cream in a cheesecake actually helps to mellow the cream cheese. Resulting in a slightly softer texture. Sour cream also contributes an extra tangy layer of flavor. It also adds moisture to the cheesecake.

  3. Should You Beat Eggs Before Adding To Cheesecake?

    No, it is not a good idea to beat the eggs before adding them to a cheesecake. Over-beating the eggs can cause the cheesecake to dome on the top. It also can be one of the causes that lead to the top of the cheesecake cracking when baked.

    Add the eggs one by one mixing them into the cheesecake after each addition. Make sure each egg is incorporated before adding the next. Next time you are making a baked lemon cheesecake recipe. Use this method to incorporate the eggs.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you, here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

My Signature Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe

My Signature Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe Zesty Creamy Delight

No ratings yet
PREP TIME: | 25 minutes
COOK TIME: | 1 hour
SETTING TIME: | 4 hours
TOTAL TIME: | 5 hours 25 minutes
SERVINGS: | 12 portions



Try our signature lemon baked cheesecake recipe. A creamy citrus flavor explosion. Lemon and cream cheese baked into a cheesecake with a crumbed biscuit base.


Cheesecake Base

  • 1 ½ cups Malt biscuit cookie crumbs
  • 100 g Butter salted

Baked Cheesecake Filling

  • 750 g Cream cheese Philadelphia
  • 4 Lemons juice only
  • 150 g Sugar Icing (powdered)
  • 3 Hen's eggs size 6 or 7
  • 200 g Sour cream
  • 2 tbsp Cornstarch


  • 2 Lemons thinly sliced
  • ½ cup Sugar castor
  • 1 cup Water


  • Preheat your oven to 160°C (320°F). For a convection oven 150°C (300°F).
    Springform Tin – Grease the bottom and sides of a 9-inch (23 cm) springform cake tin. Line the base and side with parchment paper and set it aside.
    Spring Form Tin Lined With Baking Paper and Buttered
  • Cookie Base – In a medium bowl, combine the malt biscuit crumbs and melted butter. Mix until the crumbs are coated in the butter.
    Press the crumb mixture into the bottom of the prepared springform tin. To create an even layer. You can use the back of a spoon or the bottom of a glass to press the crumbs down firmly.
    Place the cake tin into the fridge. This will help the biscuit base to cool and set ready for the filling.
    Bake Lemon Cheesecake Base
  • Cheesecake Filling – In a large mixing bowl. Beat the softened cream cheese until smooth and creamy. You can use an electric mixer or a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. You could also use a countertop blender as I have.
    Add the lemon juice, and beat until it is thoroughly combined, ensuring a smooth and uniform texture.
    Add the lemon juice, and beat until combined, ensuring a smooth and uniform texture.
    Crack the hen’s eggs into a separate bowl. Then add them one at a time to the cream cheese mixture. Beating well after each addition. Make sure each egg is incorporated before adding the next.
    Mix the cornstarch and sour cream together. Add to the cheesecake mixture and beat on a slow speed (2 or 3) until the sour cream is evenly incorporated.
    Pour the filling into the prepared springform cake tin. Tap the tin gently on the countertop a few times. This will help spread the filling out. Also, remove any air bubbles trapped in the filling.
    Baking – Place the springform tin inside a larger baking dish. The base of the baking dish should be lined with a towel. Pour hot water into the larger dish, creating a water bath. The water should reach about halfway up the sides of the springform tin. This will help prevent the cheesecake from overheating and cracking on the surface.
    Carefully transfer the water bath with the cheesecake to the preheated oven. Bake for approximately 60-70 minutes or until the edges are set and the center is slightly jiggly.
    Once baked, turn off the oven and let the cheesecake cool in the oven for about 1 hour. This gradual cooling helps prevent the cheesecake from cracking.
    Mixing The Cheesecake Filling
  • Resting – Remove the springform tin from the water bath. Remove the aluminum foil. Allow the cheesecake to cool completely at room temperature. Once cooled, refrigerate for at least 4 hours or preferably overnight. This will firm up the lemon baked cheesecake and infuse the flavors.
    When the cheesecake is fully set. Carefully remove the sides of the springform tin. Peel off the baking paper.
    If desired, garnish the cheesecake with candied lemon slices. This is optional however, it adds a nice touch.
    Caramelizing My Bake Lemon Cheesecake
  • Candied Lemon Slices – In a saucepan add the castor sugar and water. Bring to a boil until the sugar has resolved. Add the sliced lemon and coat in the sugar syrup. Layer the candied lemon slices on top of the lemon baked cheesecake. Let them set in the fridge for 30 minutes.
    Finished Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe
  • Portion And Plating – Cut the baked cheesecake into 12 even pieces. For a professional finish, you can caramelize the top.
    Sprinkle an even layer of castor sugar on the surface of the cheesecake. Use a blow torch to caramelize the sugar creating a caramel glass-like surface.
    Place a slice of lemon baked cheesecake onto a plate and garnish with the berry compote and fresh mint leaves.
    My Signature Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe

Chef Tips

  • Lemon And Sugar – When mixing sugar with lemon juice it acts as a flavor enhancer. The sugar brings out the natural citrus flavors of the lemon. So, add a touch more sugar if you want more lemon zestiness.
  • Mixing – Regularly scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula. This will stop any lumps of cream cheese from forming.
  • Baking The Cheesecake – Laying a towel on the base of the baking tray to help to prevent overheating. A good idea is to wrap aluminum foil around the cake tin. This will stop any water from seeping in around the springform tin base.
Perfect Lemon Baked Cheesecake Recipe. Here Are Some Tips To Ensure Success.
  1. Fresh Lemons – Fresh lemon juice provides the most vibrant and intense lemon flavor.
  2. Mixing The Cheesecake – Regularly scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl with a spatula. This will stop any lumps of cream cheese from forming.
  3. Bake In A Water Bath – Placing the springform tin in a water bath helps regulate the temperature. Which prevents the cheesecake from drying out or cracking. Wrap the bottom of the pan with aluminum foil to prevent water from seeping in.
  4. Gradual Cooling – After baking, let the cheesecake cool in the turned-off oven. Let it sit for about an hour before transferring it to room temperature. This gradual cooling helps prevent sudden temperature changes that can cause cracks.
  5. Chill Before Serving – For the best texture and flavor, refrigerate the cheesecake. At least 4 hours or overnight before serving. This allows it to firm up and the flavors fuse together.
  6. Use A Sharp Knife – When slicing the cheesecake. Dip the knife in boiled hot water. Wipe it clean between each cut for professional-looking slices.
  7. Caramelize The Top – For a professional finish sprinkle castor sugar on the top of the cheesecake. Using a blow torch caramelize the sugar creating a glass-like finish. This is the perfect lemon baked cheesecake recipe.


Serving>12serves | Calories>580kcal | Carbohydrates>50g | Protein>8g | Fat>41g | Saturated Fat>21g | Polyunsaturated Fat>4g | Monounsaturated Fat>10g | Trans Fat>0.3g | Cholesterol>132mg | Sodium>377mg | Potassium>222mg | Fiber>2g | Sugar>31g | Vitamin A>1248IU | Vitamin C>29mg | Calcium>104mg | Iron>1mg
Baked Cheesecake
Zesty Citrus

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