Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish A Fusion of Cultures

A fusion of cultures with our kingfish carpaccio with English radish, silky extra virgin olive oil, fresh tomato, chives, savory capers, and radish shoots.

Our kingfish carpaccio with English radish is a fusion of cultures. Where East meets West to bring you a sensation of flavors and textures that will leave you in awe. Welcome to my culinary domain, where cooking skills and innovation go hand in hand.

In this gastronomic recipe, we will share with you what to do with fresh fish fillets. Whether it’s kingfish or any other variety, this delish creation is a testament to the generosity of our friend Jack. A passionate recreational fisherman who graciously shares his bountiful catches with us.

My wife Mira loves carpaccio, sashimi, and raw fish in general, she loves the fresh, clean flavor. So when Jack gives me fish fresh from the ocean only hours old I will use it for carpaccio. The exciting combination of kingfish carpaccio with English radish, fresh tomato, capers, chives, and local extra virgin olive oil.

Kingfish carpaccio with English radish, a celebration of diverse cultures, flavors, and textures. Follow along on this culinary journey as we uncover the vibrant flavors that make this dish truly exceptional. Get ready to indulge in a harmonious fusion of ingredients that will leave you craving for more.

This is a celebration of diverse cultures, flavors, and textures in every bite. Follow us on this culinary journey as we dive into the realm of kingfish carpaccio with English radish. Exploring the vibrant flavors, textures, and harmonious fusion that make this dish truly exceptional.

Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish

Explore The Ingredients Flavors And Textures Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish

Kingfish carpaccio with capers, tomato concassé, avocado oil, and English radish. Let’s explore the ingredients that make this dish truly exceptional. Each component contributes to this culinary masterpiece, from the freshness of New Zealand kingfish to the peppery crunch of English radish.

  • 300g (10.58oz) New Zealand fresh kingfish fillets.
  • 2 English radishes, thinly sliced.
  • 2 tablespoons avocado oil.
  • 1 tomato, peeled, deseeded, and finely chopped (concassé).
  • 1 tablespoon capers.
  • A handful of radish shoots.
  • Fresh chives, finely sliced.
  • 4 slices of sourdough bread, thinly sliced.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

  • New Zealand Fresh Kingfish – Our journey begins with the star of the dish, New Zealand fresh kingfish. Sourced from pristine waters, this meaty white-fleshed fish boasts a delicate texture and a subtle flavor that sets the foundation for an unforgettable carpaccio. The kingfish’s natural flavors shine through, complemented by the vibrant ensemble of ingredients.
Fresh Kingfish Fillet
Fresh Kingfish Fillet
  • English Radish – Adding a zesty and crisp note to the carpaccio is the English radish. Its vibrant pink hue and peppery bite create a delightful contrast, perfectly balancing the freshness of the kingfish. With each bite, the radish introduces a refreshing element, awakening your palate and adding an extra layer of complexity.
Sliced English Radish
Sliced English Radish
  • Avocado Oil – No carpaccio is complete without a drizzle of liquid gold – virgin avocado oil. Its smooth, fruity undertones elevate the kingfish, infusing it with a creamy richness. The avocado oil acts as a bridge, connecting the various ingredients, and adding a refined fruity creaminess.
Avocado Oil
  • Tomato – Ripe, juicy, and vibrant tomatoes add a burst of freshness to our kingfish carpaccio. Their vibrant red color not only visually enhances the dish but also provides a tangy acidity that complements the kingfish and English radish. Best tomato choices for this recipe include Heirloom, Beefsteak, or Roma varieties due to their juicy and fleshy nature, making them perfect for creating tomato concassé.
Fresh Tomatoes
Fresh Tomatoes
  • Savory Capers – The inclusion of capers introduces a savory tang and bursts of briny flavor to the carpaccio. These tiny green orbs pack a punch, providing a burst of intensity that complements the delicate nature of the kingfish. Their presence adds a captivating element.
  • Aromatic Chives – To further enhance our carpaccio kingfish, completing the ensemble of flavors are the aromatic chives. These slender, emerald-green herbs add an umami hit of oniony freshness to the kingfish. Their crisp yet distinct flavor enhances the overall taste profile, weaving seamlessly with the other ingredients.
Sliced Chives
Sliced Chives
  • Radish Shoots – These little tender radish shoots, impart an intense, earthy note that harmonizes with the kingfish. With their slender appearance, radish shoots bring an elegant touch to the dish, elevating its taste and presentation.
  • Sour Dough – To accompany our kingfish carpaccio with English radish, is thinly sliced sourdough. Toasted and dried, it offers a delightful crunch, adding yet another layer of texture and flavor to the dish. The sourdough perfectly complements the delicate nature of the kingfish.

The ingredients for our kingfish carpaccio with English radish create a sensory experience that fuses cultures together. The freshness of New Zealand kingfish, the peppery crunch of English radish, the silky avocado oil. The burst of flavor from tomatoes and capers, the tender earthiness of radish shoots, the aromatic presence of chives, and the perfectly toasted sourdough all contribute to this amazingly fresh and healthy dish.

A Fusion Delight Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish Recipe

Our recipe for kingfish carpaccio with English radish brings together a fusion of flavors. The freshness of New Zealand kingfish

The interplay between the fish, radish, and tomato creates a harmonious balance that delights your senses.

  1. Tomato Concassé – Bring a pot of water to a boil and prepare a bowl of ice water. This will be used for blanching and shocking the tomatoes to facilitate easy peeling.
    • With a sharp knife, remove the core of the tomato. do this by piercing the top of the tomato with the knife. using your thumb as a guide gently twist the tomato until you cut the core out.
    • gently score a small “X” on the bottom of each tomato. This will help in loosening the skin during the blanching process.

Carefully drop the tomatoes into the boiling water and let them simmer for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. This short blanching time helps to loosen the tomato skins.

  1. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the blanched tomatoes immediately into the ice water bath. This rapid cooling process, also known as shocking, stops the cooking and preserves the vibrant color and texture of the tomatoes.
    • Once the tomatoes have cooled, remove them from the ice water and carefully peel off the skins. The blanching and shocking process should have made the skins easy to peel away.
    • Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters and gently scoop out the seeds with a spoon. Keep the seeds as they can be used for making stock.
    • Finely chop the tomato flesh into small, even-sized pieces. These small pieces will form the basis of the concassé and provide a burst of fresh tomato flavor for your kingfish carpaccio with English radish.
    • Season the tomato concassé with a pinch of salt and add a tablespoon of avocado oil. Let the tomatoes stand while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  1. Chives – Using a sharp knife slice the chives and place them into a bowl. Drizzle over the avocado oil and mix well so the chives are dressed with the oil.
Blanching Fresh Tomatoes
Blanched and Peeled Fresh Tomatoes
Quartered Tomatoes with Seeds Removed
Tomato Concassé with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  1. Preparing The Kingfish Fillets – Ensure there are no bones by running your fingers down the kingfish fillet. Pat them dry using a paper towel to remove any excess moisture.
    • With a sharp knife, slice the kingfish fillet into thin, delicate slices that are even in thickness. The key to achieving the perfect carpaccio texture is precision, so take your time and make each slice as even as possible.
    • Arrange the kingfish slices onto chilled plates, slightly overlapping each other to create an appealing presentation. The vibrant colors of the fish will instantly catch your eye.

Chef’s Pro Tip — To ensure clean and smooth slices of kingfish for your carpaccio, aim to slice it in one fluid motion. This technique helps prevent any tearing of the fish or uneven saw marks on the delicate carpaccio slices.

  1. English Radish – Take the English radishes and carefully slice them into thin rounds. Scatter the radish slices over the kingfish, allowing their peppery notes to enhance the overall flavor profile.
  1. Garnishing – Spoon the tomato concassé into the middle of the plates. Sprinkle the capers around the kingfish and add the chives in avocado oil. Place the radish shoots onto the kingfish.

Serve the kingfish carpaccio alongside thinly sliced sourdough bread, lightly toasted to provide a textural crunch. The sourdough’s flavor and texture will complement the kingfish, tomato, and capers.

With its delicate slices of kingfish, crisp English radish, and an array of complementary flavors and textures, this fusion of cultures in the form of kingfish carpaccio with English radish is sure to tantalize your senses.

This recipe celebrates the beauty of culinary diversity, bringing together ingredients from the earth and the ocean. Our kingfish carpaccio with English radish, tomato concassé, capers, and fresh crisp chives was created for you.

Our Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish
Our Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish

Tips from A Professional Chef For Preparing Raw Fish

As a chef dedicated to the pursuit of culinary excellence. Here are my top tips for preparing raw fish and turning it into carpaccio.

  1. Source Fresh, Quality Fish — To achieve exceptional carpaccio, start with the freshest fish. Look for trusted suppliers known for their commitment to quality, freshness, and sustainability.
  2. Maintain Impeccable Hygiene — Cleanliness is paramount when working with raw fish. Ensure your hands, utensils, and surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to avoid any cross-contamination.
  3. Hone Your Knife Skills — Sharpen your knife skills to ensure precise and delicate slicing. A sharp, well-maintained knife will yield thin, uniform slices that enhance both the presentation and texture of your carpaccio.
  4. Chill for Success — Keep the fish, well-chilled until the moment of preparation. This helps preserve freshness and ensures that your carpaccio maintains its exquisite flavors and textures. Also, fresh raw fish is easier to slice when the fish is cold.

How To Get The Most Out Of Carpaccio

To fully savor the exquisite experience of carpaccio, consider the following tips.

  1. Appreciate the Artistry — Take a moment to admire the visual beauty of the carpaccio before indulging. Notice the vibrant colors, meticulous arrangement, and enticing garnishes that make each plate a work of culinary art.
  2. Combine Flavors Thoughtfully — Experiment with different combinations of ingredients in each bite, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. Try combining kingfish, English radish, capers, and tomato for complementary tastes.
  3. Savor the Delicate Texture — Allow the thin slices of kingfish to melt on your tongue, embracing the delicate and tender texture that sets carpaccio apart. Each bite should be savored slowly to appreciate the culinary finesse fully.
  4. Indulge Creatively — While this recipe is a testament to the harmonious fusion of flavors, feel free to experiment and adapt it to your preferences. Add your personal touch by exploring variations with different flavors and textures.

Kingfish carpaccio with English radish exemplifies the art of fusion cuisine, seamlessly blending flavors from different cultures into a harmonious masterpiece. With precision, finesse, and a passion for culinary excellence, you can create this extraordinary dish in the comfort of your own kitchen.

  1. Can I Eat Kingfish Raw?

    Yes, kingfish can be eaten raw. It is a popular choice for raw preparations, including sashimi, carpaccio, and ceviche. However, it is crucial to ensure that the kingfish used for raw consumption is very fresh and sourced from reputable suppliers who follow proper food safety guidelines.

  2. Is Kingfish Good For Sashimi?

    Kingfish is indeed a popular choice for sashimi. Its firm texture, mild flavor, and high oil content make it well-suited for raw preparations. When selecting kingfish for sashimi, it is important to choose fresh, quality fish from reputable sources. The fish should be properly handled, stored, and sliced thinly to showcase its delicate texture and taste.

  3. How Long Can You Keep Raw Kingfish?

    When properly handled and stored, raw kingfish can be kept for up to two days in the refrigerator. It is essential to ensure that the fish is stored at a temperature between 1-4 °C (34-39 °F) to maintain its freshness and quality. Store the fish in the coldest part of your refrigerator, typically the back of the bottom shelf.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish

Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish A Fusion of Cultures

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PREP TIME: | 15 minutes
COOK TIME: | 0 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 15 minutes
SERVINGS: | 2 people



A fusion of cultures with our kingfish carpaccio with English radish, silky extra virgin olive oil, fresh tomato, chives, savory capers, and radish shoots.


  • 200 g Kingfish fresh fillets
  • 1 Tomato Heirloom, Beefsteak, or Roma
  • 4 tbsp Avocado oil
  • 2 Radishes English
  • 1 tbsp Capers
  • Radish shoots garnish
  • Chives fresh
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Sourdough bread thinly sliced


  • Tomato Concassé – Bring a pot of water to a boil and prepare a bowl of ice water. This will be used for blanching and shocking the tomatoes to facilitate easy peeling.
    With a sharp knife, remove the core of the tomato. do this by piercing the top of the tomato with the knife. using your thumb as a guide gently twist the tomato until you cut the core out.
    Gently score a small “X” on the bottom of each tomato. This will help in loosening the skin during the blanching process.
    Carefully drop the tomatoes into the boiling water and let them simmer for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. This short blanching time helps to loosen the tomato skins.
    Using a slotted spoon, transfer the blanched tomatoes immediately into the ice water bath. This rapid cooling process, also known as shocking, stops the cooking and preserves the vibrant color and texture of the tomatoes.
    Once the tomatoes have cooled, remove them from the ice water and carefully peel off the skins. The blanching and shocking process should have made the skins easy to peel away.
    Cut the peeled tomatoes into quarters and gently scoop out the seeds with a spoon.
    Deseeding Tomatoes
  • Finely chop the tomato flesh into small, even-sized pieces. These small pieces will form the basis of the concassé and provide a burst of fresh tomato flavor for your kingfish carpaccio with English radish.
    Season the tomato concassé with a pinch of salt and add a tablespoon of avocado oil. Let the tomatoes stand while you prepare the rest of the ingredients.
    Tomato Concassé
  • Chives – Using a sharp knife slice the chives and place them into a bowl. Drizzle over the avocado oil and mix well so the chives are dressed with the oil.
    Sliced Chives
  • Preparing The Kingfish Fillets – Ensure there are no bones by running your fingers down the kingfish fillet. Pat them dry using a paper towel to remove any excess moisture.
    With a sharp knife, slice the kingfish fillet into thin, delicate slices that are even in thickness. The key to achieving the perfect carpaccio texture is precision, so take your time and make each slice as even as possible.
    Arrange the kingfish slices onto chilled plates, slightly overlapping each other to create an appealing presentation. The vibrant colors of the fish will instantly catch your eye.
    Fresh Kingfish Fillet
  • English Radish – Take the English radishes and carefully slice them into thin rounds. Scatter the radish slices over the kingfish, allowing their peppery notes to enhance the overall flavor profile.
    Garnishing – Spoon the tomato concassé into the middle of the plates. Sprinkle the capers around the kingfish and add the chives in avocado oil. Place the radish shoots onto the kingfish.
    Kingfish Carpaccio With English Radish

Chef Tips

Tips For Preparing Raw Fish
    1. Source Fresh, Quality Fish – To achieve exceptional carpaccio, start with the freshest fish. Look for trusted suppliers known for their commitment to quality, freshness, and sustainability.
    2. Maintain Impeccable Hygiene – Cleanliness is paramount when working with raw fish. Ensure your hands, utensils, and surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to avoid any cross-contamination.
    3. Hone Your Knife Skills – Sharpen your knife skills to ensure precise and delicate slicing. A sharp, well-maintained knife will yield thin, uniform slices that enhance both the presentation and texture of your carpaccio.
    4. Slicing For Precision – To ensure clean and smooth slices of kingfish for your carpaccio, aim to slice it in one fluid motion. This technique helps prevent any tearing of the fish or uneven saw marks on the delicate carpaccio slices.
    5. Chill for Success – Keep the fish, well-chilled at 1-4 °C (34-39 °F) until the moment of preparation. This helps preserve freshness and ensures that your carpaccio maintains its exquisite flavors and textures. Also, fresh raw fish is easier to slice when the fish is cold.
How To Get The Most Out Of Carpaccio
  1. Appreciate the Artistry – Take a moment to admire the visual beauty of the carpaccio before indulging. Notice the vibrant colors, meticulous arrangement, and enticing garnishes that make each plate a work of culinary art.
  2. Combine Flavors Thoughtfully – Experiment with different combinations of ingredients in each bite, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. Try combining kingfish, English radish, capers, and tomato for complementary tastes.
  3. Savor the Delicate Texture – Allow the thin slices of kingfish to melt on your tongue, embracing the delicate and tender texture that sets carpaccio apart. Each bite should be savored slowly to appreciate the culinary finesse fully.
  4. Indulge Creatively – While this recipe is a testament to the harmonious fusion of flavors, feel free to experiment and adapt it to your preferences. Add your personal touch by exploring variations with different flavors and textures.


Serving>1serve | Calories>404kcal | Carbohydrates>3g | Protein>20g | Fat>35g | Saturated Fat>5g | Polyunsaturated Fat>5g | Monounsaturated Fat>23g | Trans Fat>0.04g | Cholesterol>66mg | Sodium>196mg | Potassium>575mg | Fiber>1g | Sugar>2g | Vitamin A>638IU | Vitamin C>9mg | Calcium>14mg | Iron>1mg
New Zealand
Raw Fish

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