How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan A Healthy Breakfast Delight

Learn how to cook portobello mushrooms in a pan for a healthy and delicious breakfast. This protein packed vegetarian delight can be smashed out in minutes.

If you’re looking for a healthy breakfast delight, then learning how to cook Portobello mushrooms in a pan is an advantage.

Whether you’re a vegetarian or carnivore. knowing how to cook Portobello mushrooms in a pan is a handy technique to have under your belt.

When cooking Portobello mushrooms in a pan is easy. All you’ll need is a good quality non-stick skillet or pan. Some good quality olive oil, sea salt, and black pepper.

There is no secret on how to cook these fantastic mushrooms in a pan. You just need patience and 5 minutes or so, it is that easy.

In this blog post, we will be diving into how to cook Portobello mushrooms in a pan. We’ll also be giving you a simple recipe to pair these wonderful mushrooms with.

Pan fried Portobello mushrooms with poached eggs, tomatoes, and snow peas. Are a healthy breakfast delight and an awesome way to start your day.

How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan

How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan The Key Ingredients

One of the simplest and most delicious ways to enjoy Portobello mushrooms is by cooking them whole in a pan.

To make the most of your Portobello mushrooms, it’s important to use the right ingredients. Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll need. This is enough for 2 people.

  • 2 large Portobello mushrooms.
  • Extra virgin olive oil.
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  • 1 Vine tomato.
  • Fresh snow peas.
  • 2 Hens eggs.
  • Young mesclun leaves.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

  • Portobello Mushrooms – Of course, you can’t cook Portobello mushrooms without them! When selecting your mushrooms, look for firm, fresh ones that have a deep, rich color. Avoid mushrooms that are soft, slimy, or have a strong musty odor.
  • Olive Oil – Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)is fantastic for adding grassy pepper notes to the Portobello mushrooms. Look for a local EVOO for a unique regional flavor.
  • Salt and Pepper – No dish is complete without a little salt and pepper. Sea salt, Himalayan pink, kosher, or Maldon. Pepper, freshly ground is the best.

Other Ingredients To Complete Your Healthy Breakfast Delight

  • Eggs – Free-range is the most flavorful (ethics aside). With their rich creamy yolks and clean flavor, they’re a perfect match for the Portobello mushrooms.
  • Vine Tomato – The best vine tomatoes are plump, red, and firm. These add an acidic freshness, that can only be found in tomatoes.
  • Snow Peas – Look for young bright green snow peas, that aren’t wrinkled or wilted. They add a fresh frangent crunch to the dish.
  • Young Mesclun – These are exactly that, baby salad leaves. I grow them from seed, they’ve got a fresh intense flavor. They’ve got a shelf life of 2-3 days.
Ingredients For Pan Fried Portobello Mushrooms
Ingredients For Pan Fried Portobello Mushrooms

Step-By-Step How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan For A Healthy Breakfast Delight

As a chef, I always love cooking spur-of-the-moment. It is experimenting, and trying new techniques in the kitchen.

Knowing how to cook Portobello mushrooms in a pan will go a long way to helping you create delicious memorable food.

  1. Mushroom Prep – First, you’ll want to clean your mushrooms by wiping them with a damp paper towel. This will remove any dirt or debris from the mushrooms.
    • Next, carefully remove the stems from the middle of the mushroom without damaging the gills.
    • You can also scrape out the gills from the underside of the cap if you prefer. I prefer to leave the gills in as they have flavor. You can also peel the mushroom if you prefer.

Chefs Pro Tip — Don’t wash the mushrooms, as they are like sponges. They will absorb the water and become waterlogged, this will dilute their awesome flavor.

If you decide to peel the mushrooms. Keep the stems and peelings, as they make for awesome mushroom stock.

Prepped Portobello Mushrooms
Prepped Portobello Mushrooms
  1. Pan Frying – Next, heat a heavy-based non-stick skillet or pan to medium heat. Add a drizzle of EVOO and place the mushrooms into the pan gill side up.
    • Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper onto the top of the mushrooms. Add a drizzle of EVOO to the middle of each mushroom.
    • Let the mushroom slowly heat through. As this happens the olive oil will soak into the mushrooms and the moisture from the mushrooms will start to sit on top of the mushrooms.
    • You can drain the mushroom liquid into a small bowl. You can flip the mushrooms over to cook on the other side. Cook the mushrooms for 1-2 minutes on each side.

Chefs Pro Tip — The moisture that seeps out of the mushrooms has an intense umami flavor. This can be drained off and kept to drizzle over the cooked Portobello mushrooms when plated.

Pan Frying The Portobello Mushrooms
Pan Frying The Portobello Mushrooms

The mushrooms by now will be cooked. You can tell as they will be tender and the gills will have become darker. Remove them from the pan and let them rest for 1 minute.

  1. Condiments – Next, poach the eggs (detailed recipe). Thinly slice the tomatoes and sprinkle them with sea salt. Julienne the snow peas.

Chefs Pro Tip — Seasoning the sliced tomatoes draws out any access moisture. This intensifies their flavor and acidity. This process will make the tomatoes taste much better.

Sliced Seasoned Tomatoes and Julienne Snow Peas
Sliced Seasoned Tomatoes and Julienne Snow Peas

Now it is time to plate your Portobello mushrooms with poached eggs, tomatoes, and snow peas. First lay the sliced tomatoes on the plate in a circle.

Then place the cooked mushroom on top. Next, add some Julienne snow peas, poached eggs, and more snow peas.

Plating Portobello Mushrooms
Plating Portobello Mushrooms
Plating Portobello Mushrooms Second Stage
Plating Portobello Mushrooms Second Stage

Drizzle some of the EVOO over the young mesclun leaves and scatter them around the plate. Add a fresh grind of black pepper to finish the dish.

How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan A Healthy Breakfast Delight
How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan A Healthy Breakfast Delight

The Pros and Cons of Substituting Different Mushrooms For Portobello Mushrooms

As a chef, I understand that sometimes you may not have the exact ingredients on hand. Substituting ingredients can often be a fun and creative challenge in the kitchen. It can lead to new and wonderful dishes.

However, when it comes to mushrooms, it’s important to know which ones can be substituted for Portobello mushrooms and which ones cannot.

First, let’s talk about the pros of substituting different mushrooms for Portobellos. One of the main benefits is that you can often find other mushrooms at a lower cost.

Additionally, some mushrooms have a milder or stronger flavor than Portobello mushrooms. This can add unique flavors and textures to your dish.

Mushroom Varieties Button, Swiss Browns, and Oyster
Mushroom Varieties Button, Swiss Browns, and Oyster

For example, white button mushrooms can be used as a substitute for Portobellos. As they have a similar flavor profile, but are smaller and cook quicker.

Shiitake mushrooms, on the other hand, have a strong and earthy flavor. That can add depth to your dish when substituted for Portobellos.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of varieties of mushrooms. I’m sure you’ve got some local or regional favorites that you love.

However, there are also some cons to substituting different mushrooms for Portobellos. One of the biggest cons is texture.

Portobellos have a meaty and hearty texture. Which is why they are often used as a vegetarian substitute for meat.

Another con is presentation Portobello mushrooms are large, flat, and round. Great for sitting other ingredients on to add height to your dishes.

Another con is that the flavor of the dish may not be as robust or complex as it would be with Portobellos.

Mushrooms I wouldn’t use as substitutes for Portabello mushrooms are: Oyster, or Enoki, as they are better used in other dishes. Morels as they are too expensive.

  1. Do I Need To Wash The Portobello Mushrooms Before Cooking Them?

    No, it’s recommended not to wash the portobello mushrooms before cooking them. This is because mushrooms are like sponges they absorb water.

    This will result in them becoming waterlogged which can dilute their flavor. Also, there is a chance that they could become mushy and unappetizing when cooked.

  2. What Is The Best Way To Prepare Portobello Mushrooms?

    The best way to prepare Portobello mushrooms before cooking them is to remove the stems. Wipe the tops clean with a damp paper towel. Check the gills to see if there is any dirt in them.

    It is important that you don’t wash them as this will dilute their flavor. Also, you can peel them, however, this is a personal preference. For the best results cook them whole.

  3. What Is The Healthiest Way To Cook Flat Mushrooms?

    The healthiest way to cook flat (Portobello) mushrooms is whole in a pan with minimal oil. Add a sprinkling of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Cleaning them with a damp paper towel before cooking is also a healthy option.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan A Healthy Breakfast Delight

How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan A Healthy Breakfast Delight

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PREP TIME: | 5 minutes
COOK TIME: | 15 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 20 minutes
SERVINGS: | 2 people



Learn how to cook portobello mushrooms in a pan for a healthy and delicious breakfast. This protein packed vegetarian delight can be smashed out in minutes.


  • 2 large Portobello mushrooms
  • drizzle Oil oil extra virgin
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 large Vine tomato
  • 3 Snow peas
  • 2 Hens eggs size 7
  • 1 handful Young mesclun leaves


  • Mushroom Prep – First, you’ll want to clean your mushrooms by wiping them with a damp paper towel. This will remove any dirt or debris from the mushrooms.
    Next, carefully remove the stems from the middle of the mushroom without damaging the gills.
    You can also scrape out the gills from the underside of the cap if you prefer. I prefer to leave the gills in as they have flavor. You can also peel the mushroom if you prefer.
    Prepped Portobello Mushrooms
  • Pan Frying – Next, heat a heavy-based non-stick skillet or pan to medium heat. Add a drizzle of EVOO and place the mushrooms into the pan gill side up.
    Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper onto the top of the mushrooms. Add a drizzle of EVOO to the middle of each mushroom.
    Let the mushroom slowly heat through. As this happens the olive oil will soak into the mushrooms and the moisture from the mushrooms will start to sit on top of the mushrooms.
    You can drain the mushroom liquid into a small bowl. You can flip the mushrooms over to cook on the other side. Cook the mushrooms for 1-2 minutes on each side.
    Pan Frying The Portobello Mushrooms
  • Condiments – Next, poach the eggs (detailed recipe). Thinly slice the tomatoes and sprinkle them with sea salt. Julienne the snow peas.
    Sliced Seasoned Tomatoes and Julienne Snow Peas
  • Now it is time to plate your Portobello mushrooms with poached eggs, tomatoes, and snow peas. First lay the sliced tomatoes on the plate in a circle.
    Then place the cooked mushroom on top. Next, add some Julienne snow peas, poached eggs, and more snow peas.
    Drizzle some of the EVOO over the young mesclun leaves and scatter them around the plate. Add a fresh grind of black pepper to finish the dish.
    How To Cook Portobello Mushrooms In A Pan A Healthy Breakfast Delight

Chef Tips

  • Don’t wash the mushrooms, as they are like sponges. They will absorb the water and become waterlogged, this will dilute their awesome flavor.
  • If you decide to peel the mushrooms. Keep the stems and peelings, as they make for awesome mushroom stock.
  • The moisture that seeps out of the mushrooms has an intense umami flavor. This can be drained off and kept to drizzle over the cooked Portabello mushrooms when plated.
  • Seasoning the sliced tomatoes draws out any access moisture. This intensifies their flavor and acidity. This process will make the tomatoes taste much better.
Mushroom Substitutions
  • You can substitute the Portobello mushrooms with white buttons, swiss browns, or fresh shitakes. This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are thousands of varieties of mushrooms. I’m sure you’ve got some local or regional favorites that you love.


Serving>1 serve | Calories>102kcal | Carbohydrates>8g | Protein>8g | Fat>5g | Saturated Fat>1g | Polyunsaturated Fat>1g | Monounsaturated Fat>2g | Trans Fat>0.02g | Cholesterol>164mg | Sodium>80mg | Potassium>620mg | Fiber>2g | Sugar>5g | Vitamin A>1239IU | Vitamin C>18mg | Calcium>40mg | Iron>1mg
New Zealand
Healthy Breakfast
Learn How
Portobello Mushrooms

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