Easy Beef And Pork Ragu Recipe With Cherry Tomatoes And Mashed Potatoes

Follow our flavor adventure with this easy beef and pork ragu recipe. We are taking this simple recipe from delicious to amazing! Pure culinary poetry.

Our easy beef and pork ragu recipe is perfect for beginners who want comfort food with big bold flavors. We’re transforming some humble ingredients into a symphony of flavors.

We invite you to immerse yourself in this recipe of our easy beef and pork ragu recipe with cherry tomatoes and mashed potatoes. This dish transcends the ordinary and ignites your scenes with simple delicious flavors that work in harmony.

At the heart of this magnificent ragu are thoughtfully selected ingredients. Ground meats with flecks of fat running through them. The ground pork shoulder lends its own unique flavor. That complements the ground beef chuck with its robust meatiness.

The flavor journey continues with the addition of beef stock, infusing the ragu with savory undertones. The classic tomato sauce brings a delish vibrant tang. For those seeking an extra dimension of complexity, a splash of red wine, layering fruity undertones, and subtle acidity that tantalizes the senses.

Follow us as we explore the intricate flavors and textures of our easy beef and pork ragu recipe. We are also going to share with you the skill of making restaurant quality mashed potatoes. Get ready to embark on a flavor-filled recipe adventure like no other.

Easy Beef And Pork Ragu Recipe

Culinary Poetry A Deep Dive Into Our Easy Beef and Pork Ragu Recipe Ingredients

Let’s delve into the ingredients that form the foundation of our easy beef and pork ragu recipe with cherry tomatoes and mashed potatoes. Each element plays a vital role in creating a dish that is rich in flavor and complexity.

We’re incorporating a few additional ingredients: red bell peppers, aubergine (eggplant), zucchini, and a medley of fresh herbs including sage, rosemary, and thyme. Let’s dive into the unique qualities each ingredient brings to the dish.

Beef and Pork Ragu Ingredients
Beef and Pork Ragu Ingredients

Beef And Pork Ragu Ingredients

  • 500g (1.1 pounds) Ground beef (preferably chuck).
  • 500g (1.1 pounds) Ground pork (preferably shoulder).
  • 1 onion, finely chopped.
  • 3 cloves of garlic, crushed.
  • ½ cup red wine (optional, but recommended)
  • ½ cup Beef stock.
  • ½ cup Classic tomato sauce.
  • 1 Aubergine (eggplant).
  • 1 Zucchini (courgette).
  • 1 Bell pepper red.
  • 15 Cherry tomatoes fresh.
  • Fresh sage, rosemary, and thyme.
  • Sea salt and pepper, to taste.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Ground Beef and Ground Pork
Ground Beef and Ground Pork
  • Ground Beef — The beef preferably ground chuck. This choice of meat brings a robust, hearty flavor to the ragu. The marbling of fat in the beef chuck ensures tenderness and enhances the overall taste of the dish. When slow-cooked, the fat renders down and injects delicious flavor into our easy beef and pork ragu recipe.
  • Ground Pork — Look for free range ground pork shoulder. The pork shoulder offers a combination of well-marbled flavorful meat and texture. This provides moisture, body, and a depth of flavor that complements the beef. It adds an additional layer of richness to the ragu, creating a harmonious meaty duo.
  • Onions And Garlic — An essential aromatic duo in countless recipes, the finely chopped onion, and crushed garlic form the flavor base of our ragu. The caramelized notes from the onions and the pungency of the garlic contribute to the umami profile of the ragu.
  • Red Wine — Although optional, is highly recommended for those seeking an extra layer of subtle fruity complexity. It adds a touch of acidity that beautifully balances the richness of the meats. When cooking with red wine I use Cab Sauv or Merlot.
  • Classic Tomato Sauce — A smooth homemade French-style tomato sauce made from pureed strained tomatoes, herbs, vegetables, and salted pork or Kransky sausage. This provides a vibrant and concentrated tomato taste, adding tangy notes to the ragu.
  • Beef Stock — The beef stock adds a savory, umami-rich element, intensifying the meaty flavors of the dish. Making your own beef stock pays off big time, however, it is time-consuming. When sourcing store brought stock look for stock with low sodium with no additives.
  • Fresh Cherry Tomatoes — These little tomatoes pack a flavor punch. They bring a burst of freshness and bright acidity to our ragu. These sweet and tangy tomatoes infuse our easy beef and pork ragu recipe with their natural juices. Look for ripe firm tomatoes that aren’t wrinkled.
Cherry Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
  • Red Bell Peppers — These are a vibrant addition to our ragu, infusing it with a touch of sweetness and a burst of color. Their natural sweetness deepens when cooked, contributing to the overall flavor profile of the easy beef and pork ragu recipe. They should be bright firm and a deep red color.
  • Aubergine (Eggplant) — The creamy, meaty texture of aubergine adds a unique element to our ragu. It absorbs flavors beautifully, making it a perfect canvas for our savory sauce. As the aubergine cooks down, it releases a rich earthiness. They should be lightly spongey and have a dark purple color.
  • Zucchini (Courgette) — Brings a refreshing and slight bittersweetness. Zucchini brings color and texture into the ragu.

Fresh Herbs are the secret weapon in any chef’s arsenal, infusing dishes with vibrant herbaceous aromas and elevating the overall taste. In our ragu recipe, we are featuring a trio of fragrant herbs sage, rosemary, and thyme.

  • Sage — With its distinctively savory and slightly peppery flavor, sage lends an earthy depth to the ragu. It balances the richness of the meats and adds a delightful herbal note.
  • Rosemary — Known for its strong, pine-like fragrance. Its intense earthy flavor pairs well with the robustness of the ragu, amplifying the overall taste experience.
  • Thyme — Delicate and slightly floral, thyme contributes a subtle sweetness to our easy beef and pork ragu recipe.
  • Parmigiano Reggiano — A true culinary gem that can elevate your ragu to extraordinary heights. Its nutty and slightly salty undertones are accompanied by a rich and savory umami flavor. Look for Italian parmesan cheese.
Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmigiano Reggiano

By incorporating these additional ingredients, we are making our easy beef and pork ragu recipe comforting and inviting. Infusing it with layers of flavor and texture. Each ingredient brings its unique personality to the dish, resulting in a culinary masterpiece.

Mashed Potato Ingredints

  • 4 medium-sized Potatoes, Russets, Yukon Gold, or Agria.
  • 100g (3.52oz) Butter.
  • 1/2 cup Cream.
  • Sea salt and white pepper, to taste.
  • Potatoes — The best potatoes for making mash are Russet, Yukon gold, or Agria potatoes. With their high starch content, provide the perfect texture. Velvety, creamy, and delicious.
  • Butter And Cream — Perfect partners for mashed potatoes. They give the mash a chef’s quality that complements our easy beef and pork ragu recipe. Use locally sourced runny cream and salted butter.
  • Sea Salt And Pepper — Himalayan pink salt is a cherished staple in our kitchen. Its unique minerals impart a subtle yet distinctive flavor, improving the taste of everything it is sprinkled on top. When making mashed potatoes we use white pepper. This is because having black flecks of pepper running through your mash isn’t very attractive.

Our Easy Beef and Pork Ragu Recipe

Chef’s Pro Tip — You can substitute the classic tomato sauce with tomato passata or tomato puree. This will save time, however, keep in mind it will have an impact on the final taste of this easy beef and pork ragu recipe.

Searing The Beef

  1. Searing The Meats — Heat a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add a drizzle of rice bran oil, until it starts to shimmer. Add in the ground beef and pork, and sear, until the meats start to caramelize. Season with Himalayan pink salt or your favorite sea salt.
  1. Onions And Garlic — Crush the garlic in a mortar and pestle, peel, and dice the onion. Add the garlic and onions to the seared meats, and sweat the aromatics until they are fragrant. Add the red wine, and stir gently, scraping any flavorful bits stuck to the bottom of the pot. Reduce the wine by half. Now add the tomato sauce and beef stock. Bring to a simmer, cover, and cook for 20 minutes.
Adding The Liquids
Adding The Liquids

Adding The Vegetables

  1. Vegetables — Cut the Aubergine and zucchini into even bite-sized pieces. Place the aubergine onto a plate and season with sea salt. Place it into a colander or sieve and let stand for 10 minutes.
Diced Aubergine and Zucchini
Diced Aubergine and Zucchini

Chef’s Pro Tip — Seasoning Aubergine before cooking is essential. Aubergine has a slightly bitter taste that can be mitigated by seasoning. By salting the eggplant before cooking, you can draw out some of the excess moisture and bitterness, resulting in a more balanced flavor profile.

Laying A Flavor Foundation

  1. Building A Foundation of Flavor — Add the aubergine, zucchini, and bell peppers to the seared meats. Mix them well until incorporated into the ragu. Finely chop the rosemary, and Chiffonade the sage. This is the time to add the sage and rosemary. Cover the pot and simmer on low heat for 40 minutes.
Adding Vegetables To The Ragu
Adding Vegetables To The Ragu

Creamy Mashed Potatoes

  1. Preparing The Potatoes — As the ragu simmers away, let’s turn our attention to achieving that perfect mashed potatoes. Begin by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into evenly sized-chunks. This ensures they cook uniformly and yield a consistent texture.
    • Take a large saucepan, fill it with salted water, and bring it to a rolling boil. Add the potato chunks and let them simmer gently until they become tender and easily pierced with a fork, which usually takes around 20-25 minutes.
  1. Mashing Time — Once the potatoes are cooked to perfection, drain them and return them to the pot. Give them a moment to rest, allowing the steam to help dry them slightly. Now, it’s time to get mashing. Break down the potatoes until they reach a smooth and creamy consistency.
    • When mashing potatoes you have a couple of options. Use a potato masher, or you can either use a potato ricer or press the potatoes through a sieve. I personally prefer using a sieve as it creates an exceptionally smooth texture, though it may take a bit of time. Trust me, the end result will be well worth the effort!
Mashing The Potatoes
Mashing The Potatoes
  1. Reducing The Cream — Grab a small pan and combine the cream, butter, and a generous pinch of sea salt. Let the mixture come to a rolling boil and allow it to reduce by three-quarters. This reduction thickens the cream, ensuring it lends a velvety and exceptional creamy texture when added to the mashed potatoes.

You’ll know the cream is ready when the bubbles become small, and the mixture visibly thickens. At this point, remove it from the heat to prevent overcooking.

Reducing Cream and Butter
Reducing Cream and Butter
  1. Perfecting the Mash — Using a spatula, gently fold the hot cream into the mashed potatoes, ensuring they blend together seamlessly. The result? Smooth, velvety, and creamy perfection. Take a moment to taste and adjust the seasoning. If you decide to add pepper, opt for white pepper to maintain the pristine appearance of the mash.
Perfect Potato Mash
Perfect Potato Mash

Finishing The Ragu And Plating

  1. Finishing Touches — Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves and finely chop the thyme. After the ragu has simmered for 40 minutes add the cherry tomatoes and fresh thyme to the ragu. Taste and adjust the seasoning if required. Let the ragu simmer for 5 more minutes.
  1. Plating Our Easy Beef And Pork Ragu Recipe — Spoon the mash evenly onto 4 plates. Spoon the ragu over the mash. Using a Microplane grate the parmesan over the ragu and garnish with fresh thyme. You can also drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over the top, this is optional.
Finished Beef and Pork Ragu

This is an easy beef and pork ragu recipe, that packs a flavor punch. The mashed potatoes add a velvety texture and creamy flavor notes to the ragu. This dish is perfect for a crowd or an intimate dinner for two, versatile, delicious, and satisfying.

Expert Tips for Perfecting Your Beef And Pork Ragu Recipe

Chef’s Pro Tip — Creating our easy beef and pork ragu recipe requires more than just following the recipe. It calls for a culinary finesse, where you can elevate your dish from good to extraordinary. As a seasoned chef who has cooked this recipe countless times, allow me to share some invaluable tips to help you master this tantalizing ragu in your own kitchen.

  1. Choose Quality Meats — Opt for free range, organic ground beef and pork, such as ground chuck steak and ground pork shoulder. Look for ground meats with flecks of white fat running through the meat. The fat is where the flavor is and will help keep the meat flavorful and moist.
  2. Sear For Enhanced Flavor — Take the time to sear the beef and pork before simmering. This crucial step creates a caramelized crust on the surface, resulting in intensified flavors and a rich depth that will have your taste buds rejoicing.
  3. Develop Layers Of Flavor — Don’t rush the process. Allow the onions and garlic to sweat. This will release their natural sweetness and build a solid flavor foundation. This slow, deliberate approach sets the stage for a delicious complex ragu.
  4. Red Wine Elevation — While optional, adding red wine is a secret weapon for an exceptional ragu. The wine infuses the sauce with subtle fruity flavors and acidity. You are adding a sophisticated touch to the overall flavor profile. Choose a wine you enjoy drinking, as its quality will shine through in the final dish.
  5. Simmer Slowly — Low and slow is the mantra for the perfect ragu. Let it simmer gently over low heat for at least 2 hours, allowing the flavors to develop and the meats to become tender and succulent. The extended cooking time will reward you with a ragu that is rich, robust, and full of depth.
  6. Taste And Adjust — Seasoning is a skill. As you progress, season your ragu gradually, tasting along the way. Remember, it’s easier to add more seasoning than to remove it. Be patient, allowing the flavors to develop and mingle before making seasoning adjustments.
  7. Embrace The Cherry Tomatoes — The fresh cherry tomatoes add a burst of freshness and vibrant acidity to the ragu. Embrace their natural sweetness and allow them to infuse with the sauce.
  8. Pair With Creamy Mashed Potatoes — The fluffy mashed potatoes are perfect for our hearty ragu. Take care to create creamy, smooth potatoes, seasoned to perfection. Their buttery, creamy richness will complement the ragu, balancing the flavors and textures.
  9. Patience And Love — Remember, great cooking requires patience and love. Allow yourself to enjoy the process, savoring the aromas and relishing the journey of bringing together an exciting infusion of flavors. Your dedication and attention to detail will shine through in your easy beef and pork ragu recipe.
  1. Is It Okay To Mix Pork And Beef Mince?

    Yes, it is okay to mix ground beef and pork. The combination of these two types of meat can create a more well-rounded flavor profile, with the pork adding moisture and richness.

    While the beef brings a robust, beefy taste. It is commonly done in recipes like meatballs, meatloaf, and ragu, allowing for a delicious blend of flavors.

  2. Does Ragu Meat Sauce Have Pork In It?

    Yes, a traditional ragu recipe has pork in it as one of its main components. The combination of beef and pork adds depth of flavor and richness to the sauce. However, it is worth noting that variations of ragu exist.

    Different regions or personal preferences may lead to variations in the choice of meats used. Some recipes may focus solely on beef, while others might incorporate different combinations of meats such as veal, lamb, or even game meats like venison or wild boar.

  3. What Is Beef And Pork Ragu?

    Beef and pork ragu is an Italian meat-based sauce that combines tender beef and pork with a flavorful tomato base. The meats are typically cubed, diced, or ground and slowly simmered with aromatic ingredients like onions, garlic, fresh herbs, and sometimes wine.

    The long, slow cooking process allows the flavors to infuse together. Resulting in a rich, hearty, and savory meat sauce that pairs well with mashed potatoes, polenta, or pasta.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

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Easy Beef And Pork Ragu Recipe

Easy Beef And Pork Ragu Recipe With Cherry Tomatoes And Mashed Potatoes

No ratings yet
PREP TIME: | 20 minutes
COOK TIME: | 1 hour
TOTAL TIME: | 1 hour 20 minutes
SERVINGS: | 4 people



Follow our flavor adventure with this easy beef and pork ragu recipe. We are taking this simple recipe from delicious to amazing! Pure culinary poetry.


Beef and Pork Ragu

  • 500 g Ground beef preferably chuck
  • 500 g Ground pork preferably shoulder
  • 1 Onion brown
  • 3 cloves Garlic
  • ½ cup Red wine Cab Sauv or Merlot
  • ½ cup Beef stock
  • ½ cup Tomato sauce classic
  • 1 Aubergine
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 1 Bell pepper red
  • 15 Cherry tomatoes
  • 2 sprigs Fresh rosemary, thyme, and sage
  • Parmigiano Reggiano
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Mashed Potatoes

  • 4 medium-sized Potatoes Russets, Yukon Gold, or Agria
  • 100 g Butter
  • ½ cup Cream runny
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


Beef and Pork Ragu

  • Heat a large, heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add a drizzle of rice bran oil, until it starts to shimmer. Add in the ground beef and pork, and sear, until the meats start to caramelize. Season with Himalayan pink salt or your favorite sea salt.
    Crush the garlic in a mortar and pestle, peel, and dice the onion. Add the garlic and onions to the sear meats, and sweat the aromatics until they are fragrant. Add the red wine, and stir gently, scraping any flavorful bits stuck to the bottom of the pot. Reduce the wine by half. Now add the tomato sauce and beef stock. Bring to a simmer, cover, and cook for 20 minutes.
    Adding The Liquids
  • Cut the Aubergine, and zucchini into even bite-sized pieces. Place the aubergine onto a plate and season with sea salt. Place it into a colander or sieve and let stand for 10 minutes.
    Diced Aubergine and Zucchini
  • Start to build the flavor foundation. Add the aubergine, zucchini, and bell peppers to the seared meats. Mix them well until incorporated into the ragu. Finely chop the rosemary, and Chiffonade the sage. This is the time to add the sage and rosemary. Cover the pot and simmer on low heat for 40 minutes.
    Adding Vegetables To The Ragu

Mashed Potatoes

  • Preparing the Potatoes – As the ragu simmers away, let’s turn our attention to achieving that perfect mashed potatoes. Begin by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into evenly sized-chunks. This ensures they cook uniformly and yield a consistent texture. Take a large saucepan, fill it with salted water, and bring it to a rolling boil. Add the potato chunks and let them simmer gently until they become tender and easily pierced with a fork, which usually takes around 20-25 minutes.
    Mashing Time – Once the potatoes are cooked to perfection, drain them and return them to the pot. Give them a moment to rest, allowing the steam to help dry them slightly. Now, it’s time to get mashing. Break down the potatoes until they reach a smooth and creamy consistency. When mashing potatoes you have a couple of options. Use a potato masher, or you can either use a potato ricer or press the potatoes through a sieve. I personally prefer using a sieve as it creates an exceptionally smooth texture, though it may take a bit of time. Trust me, the end result will be well worth the effort!
    Mashing The Potatoes
  • Reducing The Cream – Grab a small pan and combine the cream, butter, and a generous pinch of sea salt. Let the mixture come to a rolling boil and allow it to reduce by three-quarters. This reduction thickens the cream, ensuring it lends a velvety and exceptional creamy texture when added to the mashed potatoes.
    Reducing Cream and Butter
  • Perfecting the Mash – Using a spatula, gently fold the hot cream into the mashed potatoes, ensuring they blend together seamlessly. The result? Smooth, velvety, and creamy perfection. Take a moment to taste and adjust the seasoning if needed. If you decide to add pepper, opt for white pepper to maintain the pristine appearance of the mash.
    Perfect Potato Mash

Finishing The Ragu And Plating

  • Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves and finely chop the thyme. After the ragu has simmered for 40 minutes add the cherry tomatoes and fresh thyme to the ragu. Taste and adjust the seasoning if required. Let the ragu simmer for 5 more minutes.
    Spoon the mash evenly onto 4 plates. Spoon the ragu over the mash. Using a Microplane grate the parmesan over the ragu and garnish with fresh thyme. You can also drizzle some extra virgin olive oil over the top, this is optional.
    Finished Beef and Pork Ragu

Chef Tips

  • Seasoning Aubergine before cooking is essential. Aubergine has a slightly bitter taste that can be mitigated by seasoning. By salting the eggplant before cooking, you can draw out some of the excess moisture and bitterness, resulting in a more balanced flavor profile.
  • Choose Quality Meats – Opt for free range, organic ground beef and pork, such as ground chuck steak and ground pork shoulder. Look for ground meats with flecks of white fat running through the meat. The fat is where the flavor is and will help keep the meat flavorful and moist.
  • Sear For Enhanced Flavor: Take the time to sear the beef and pork before simmering. This crucial step creates a caramelized crust on the surface, resulting in intensified flavors and a rich depth that will have your taste buds rejoicing.
  • Develop Layers Of Flavor – Don’t rush the process. Allow the onions and garlic to sweat. This will release their natural sweetness and build a solid flavor foundation. This slow, deliberate approach sets the stage for a delicious complex ragu.
  • Red Wine Elevation – While optional, adding red wine is a secret weapon for an exceptional ragu. The wine infuses the sauce with subtle fruity flavors and acidity. You are adding a sophisticated touch to the overall flavor profile. Choose a wine you enjoy drinking, as its quality will shine through in the final dish.
  • Simmer Slowly – Low and slow is the mantra for the perfect ragu. Let it simmer gently over low heat for at least 2 hours, allowing the flavors to develop and the meats to become tender and succulent. The extended cooking time will reward you with a ragu that is rich, robust, and full of depth.
  • Taste And Adjust – Seasoning is a skill. As you progress, season your ragu gradually, tasting along the way. Remember, it’s easier to add more seasoning than to remove it. Be patient, allowing the flavors to develop and mingle before making seasoning adjustments.
  • Embrace The Cherry Tomatoes – The fresh cherry tomatoes add a burst of freshness and vibrant acidity to the ragu. Embrace their natural sweetness and allow them to infuse with the sauce.
  • Pair With Creamy Mashed Potatoes – The fluffy mashed potatoes are perfect for our hearty ragu. Take care to create creamy, smooth potatoes, seasoned to perfection. Their buttery, creamy richness will complement the ragu, balancing the flavors and textures.
  • Patience And Love – Remember, great cooking requires patience and love. Allow yourself to enjoy the process, savoring the aromas and relishing the journey of bringing together an exciting infusion of flavors. Your dedication and attention to detail will shine through in every satisfying bite.


Serving>1serve | Calories>1067kcal | Carbohydrates>26g | Protein>50g | Fat>84g | Saturated Fat>40g | Polyunsaturated Fat>4g | Monounsaturated Fat>31g | Trans Fat>2g | Cholesterol>270mg | Sodium>628mg | Potassium>1612mg | Fiber>4g | Sugar>8g | Vitamin A>2628IU | Vitamin C>84mg | Calcium>171mg | Iron>6mg
Main Course
New Zealand
Pork and Fennel

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