Baked Fruit Creation Get Ready To Wow Your Family And Friends

I'm excited to share with you this recipe for my delicious and impressive baked fruit creation. Strawberry upside-down cake is perfect for impressing your family and friends at your next dinner party or potluck gathering.

Not only is this baked fruit creation visually stunning it is also moist and packed full of flavor. The combination of sweet strawberries and moist spongy cake makes for a mind-blowing dessert treat.

This baked fruit creation looks complicated to bake, however, it is incredibly easy to make. You’ll be eating strawberry upside-down cake in a few short hours, an awesomely delicious dessert that is sure to wow your family and friends!

So, if you’re looking to impress your loved ones with this tasty and beautiful baked fruit creation. Read on to get a chef’s perspective on baking. I’ll guarantee you’ll be making this recipe the next time you’re going to do some baking.

Baked Fruit Creation Using Strawberries
Baked Fruit Creation – Strawberry Upside-Down Cake

Strawberry upside-down cake, you can get creative and use other fruits. The most obvious one is pineapple you could also use nectarines, cherries, apricots, and even blueberries.

You could even start thinking outside the box and create a savory upside-down cake. Asparagus and cantaloupe aka rock melon or green beans and pears. Would this even be a thing?

So Why Did I Use Strawberries For My Baked Fruit Creation?

We went strawberry picking at Good Planet pick your own strawberries. So, I wanted to make an impressive baked fruit creation for the family. Strawberry upside-down cake is an old-school dessert that I used to make regularly last century (in the ’90s).

We are lucky to have such fresh strawberries that we picked ourselves. New Zealand is a fantastic place when it comes to fresh local produce. Freshly picked strawberries, they’re deliciously amazing!

If you haven’t already done so, go and pick your own strawberries, or any other fruits for that matter. A form of foraging for your next meal, there is something primal about it.

Me and My Wife Picking Strawberries
Me and My Wife Picking Strawberries
Picking Strawberries
Picked Fresh Strawberries

Flex Your Culinary Muscle With This Delicious Baked Fruit Creation

If you want to flex your culinary muscles, try this delicious baked fruit creation. The perfect recipe to showcase your cookery skills. My recipe calls for fresh strawberries, however, don’t let that put you off frozen strawberries will work too.

Let your inner chef shine, the end result will be something to remember. My strawberry upside-down cake recipe will be an awesome addition to your dessert repertoire. Gather your ingredients and get ready to unleash your positive culinary energy.

Strawberry Upside-Down Cake Ingredients
Strawberry Upside-Down Cake Ingredients
Fresh Strawberries
Fresh Strawberries

Baking cakes is a science, an amalgamation of measured ingredients that are precisely cooked to produce something magical. This recipe isn’t complicated and I haven’t tried to reinvent the wheel. So, let us get into it.

What You’ll Need – Besides fresh strawberries and other baking ingredients is a 24cm or 9.4-inch springform cake tin. Parchment or baking paper and a potato peeler with a pointed tip (for hulling the strawberries).

Cake Base

  • 50g Butter softened
  • ¼ cup Sugar raw
  • 2 kg Strawberries fresh

Cake Batter

  • 150g Butter softened
  • ¾ cup Sugar raw
  • 3 Eggs size 6 room temp
  • 1.5 cups Flour self-raising
  • ¼ cup Milk warm
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence

Macerated Strawberries

  • 300g Strawberries fresh
  • 2 tbsp sugar raw


  • 200mls Cream fresh
  • Mint fresh

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Prepping The Spring Form Cake Tin

  • Prepping The Cake Tin – Cut a piece of parchment paper enough to cover the base of the springform tin. Clip the base into the tin with the paper covering the base. Now use the first measure of butter and butter the paper base and the sides. Line the side with parchment paper as well and butter that too.
  • Sprinkle sugar on the bottom of the cake tin and shake the tin so the sugar spreads evenly across the base.

Buttering the parchment paper is like an insurance policy. This will stop any of the cake from sticking to the sides or bottom of the tin when it is cooked.

Chefs Pro Tip — Buttering the sides of the cake tin will help the parchment paper stick to them. This will keep the paper in place when you pour the cake into the tin. Trust me it works great.

Spring Form Tin Lined With Baking Paper and Buttered
Springform Tin Lined With Baking Paper and Buttered
Spring Form Cake Tin With Sugar Base
Springform Cake Tin With Sugar Base

Prepping The Strawberries

  • Prepping The Strawberries – Wash and dry the strawberries, then hull them (remove the tops). This can be easily done with a potato peeler with a pointed tip. Then cut the strawberries in half.

Chefs Pro Tip Hulling Strawberries – Hold the strawberry in your left hand (for right-handed people). Hold the peeler in your right hand, hold it down by the end, and use your right thumb as a guild.

Press the peeler into the top of the strawberry just under the green leafy top and turn the strawberry with your left hand 360°. The green top will pop out, it is that easy.

This technique will only remove the green top and core of the strawberry, so you won’t waste any of the strawberry’s fruity flesh.

Hulling Fresh Strawberries
Hulling Fresh Strawberries

Lay the strawberries into the bottom of the cake tin cut side down. Start around the outside of the tin and work your way into the middle. Until the whole base is covered.

  • The strawberries don’t have to be packed in tight. It is good to leave a few small gaps, the cake batter will fill them and hold the strawberries in place when cooked. This will make it easier to turn out when serving.
Strawberries Covering The Cake Tin Bottom
Strawberries Covering The Cake Tin Bottom
  • Preheat the convection oven to 155°C (311°F). For a regular conventual oven 165°C (329°F).

Making The Cake Batter

  • Making The Cake Batter – Cream the second measure of butter and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time making sure to whisk after each addition.

Chefs Pro Tip — Using room-temperature eggs will help to create a more stable emulsion and stop the cake batter from splitting or curdling.

For recipes that call for creaming butter and sugar, it is important that the butter doesn’t get too cold when mixing the cake batter together.

When the batter is kept at room temperature while mixing the result will be a light and fluffy baked cake, rather than a dense and heavy one.

Creaming The Butter and Sugar
Creaming The Butter and Sugar

Sift and add the self-raising flour and mix until all the flour is incorporated. Now whisk in the milk and vanilla essence. Whisk until the batter is smooth and silky.

  • If the batter seems a little too thick add 2 or 3 tablespoons of warm water. Make sure the water is only warm, not cold or hot.
Strawberry Upside-Down Cake Batter
Strawberry Upside-Down Cake Batter

Pour the batter into the cake tin and spread it evenly over the strawberries. Lightly tap down the tin so the batter settles to the bottom.

  • It is important to get the cake into the preheated oven fairly quickly as the baking powder is starting to activate.

Place the cake into the oven making sure it is directly in the middle of the oven. Bake for 55 minutes, and try not to open the oven while the cake is cooking.

  • It is important to keep the oven at a constant temperature as you don’t want the cake to collapse.
Baked Fruit Creation Ready For The Oven
Baked Fruit Creation Ready For The Oven

Unmolding The Strawberry Upside Down Cake

When the 55 minutes is up the cake should be completely cooked. To check touch the top of the cake if it springs back it is cooked. Remove the cake from the oven and let stand for 10 minutes before unmolding. Once the cake is unmolded it is ready to be portioned into 12 pieces.

Baked Strawberry Upside-Down Cake
Baked Strawberry Upside-Down Cake

Add Macerated Strawberries For A Unique Taste Sensation

While the cake is baking hull and quarter the second measure of strawberries. Place them into a stainless steel bowl and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix well and place into the fridge.

I often macerate fruits as a way to prepare them for use as a garnish for desserts, like cakes, pannacotta, and baked custards, or as a topping for ice cream.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

Baked Fruit Creation Using Strawberries

Baked Fruit Creation: Get Ready To Wow Your Family And Friends

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PREP TIME: | 20 minutes
COOK TIME: | 55 minutes
RESTING TIME: | 10 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 1 hour 25 minutes
SERVINGS: | 12 portions



I'm excited to share with you this recipe for my delicious and impressive baked fruit creation. Strawberry upside-down cake is perfect for impressing your family and friends.


Cake Base

  • 50 g Butter softened
  • ¼ cup Sugar raw
  • 2 kg Strawberries fresh

Cake Batter

  • 150 g Butter softened
  • ¾ cup Sugar raw
  • 3 Eggs size 6 room temp
  • 1.5 cups Flour self-raising
  • ¼ cup Milk warm
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence

Macerated Strawberries

  • 300 g Strawberries fresh
  • 2 tbsp sugar raw


  • 200 mls Cream fresh
  • Mint fresh


  • Preheat Your Oven – convection fan oven155 °C or conventual regular oven165 °C
    Prepping The Cake Tin – Cut a piece of parchment paper enough to cover the base of the springform tin. Clip the base into the tin with the paper covering it.
    Now use the first measure of butter and butter the paper base and the sides. Line the side with parchment paper as well and butter that as well.
    Sprinkle sugar on the bottom of the cake tin and shake the tin so the sugar spreads evenly across the base.
    Spring Form Cake Tin With Sugar Base
  • Prepping The Strawberries – Wash and dry the strawberries, then hull them (remove the tops). This can be easily done with a potato peeler with a pointed tip. Then cut the strawberries in half.
    Lay the strawberries into the bottom of the cake tin cut side down. Start around the outside of the tin and work your way into the middle. Until the whole base is covered.
    Strawberries Covering The Cake Tin Bottom
  • Making The Cake Batter – Cream the second measure of butter and sugar. Add the eggs one at a time making sure to whisk after each addition.
    Sift and add the self-raising flour and mix until all the flour is incorporated. Now whisk in the milk and vanilla essence. Whisk until the batter is smooth and silky.
    Strawberry Upside-Down Cake Batter
  • Pour the batter into the cake tin and spread it evenly over the strawberries. Lightly tap down the tin so the batter settles to the bottom.
    Baked Fruit Creation Ready For The Oven
  • Baking The Cake – Place the cake into the oven making sure it is directly in the middle of the oven. Bake for 55 minutes, and try not to open the oven while the cake is cooking.
    When the 55 minutes is up the cake should be completely cooked. To check touch the top of the cake if it springs back it is cooked.
    Remove the cake from the oven and let stand for 10 minutes before unmoulding. Once the cake is unmoulded it is ready to be portioned into 12 pieces.
    Baked Strawberry Upside-Down Cake
  • To Make The Macerated Strawberries – Hull the second measure of strawberries and cut them into quarters. Place them into a bowl and sprinkle over the second measure of sugar mix well and place into the fridge for an hour or two. You can do this while the cake is baking.
    Macerated Fresh Strawberry
  • To Plate –Whip the cream until just thickened, and place the macerated strawberries on the base of the plate. Place a slice of the upside-down cake on top of the macerated strawberries and a quenelle of cream.
    Baked Fruit Creation Using Strawberries

Chef Tips

  • Buttering the sides of the cake tin will help the parchment paper stick to them. This will keep the paper in place when you pour the cake into the tin. Trust me it works great.
  • The strawberries don’t have to be packed in tight. It is good to leave a few small gaps, the cake batter will fill them and hold the strawberries in place when cooked.
  • Using room-temperature eggs will help to create a more stable emulsion and stop the cake batter from splitting or curdling.
  • If the batter seems a little too thick add 2 or 3 tablespoons of warm water to thin it out.
  • Try not to open the oven while the cake is cooking. It is important to keep the oven at a constant temperature as you don’t want the cake to collapse.


Serving>1 serve | Calories>386kcal | Carbohydrates>45g | Protein>5g | Fat>22g | Saturated Fat>13g | Polyunsaturated Fat>1g | Monounsaturated Fat>6g | Trans Fat>1g | Cholesterol>96mg | Sodium>132mg | Potassium>352mg | Fiber>4g | Sugar>29g | Vitamin A>754IU | Vitamin C>113mg | Calcium>61mg | Iron>1mg
New Zealand

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