Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar A Culinary Fusion

Discover the marriage of flavors, in our apple upside down cake, where the culinary fusion of muscovado sugar and caramelized apples creates a timeless classic.

Welcome to my kitchen, where we will guide you through the creation of our deliciously simple apple upside down cake. This culinary masterpiece combines the sweet and tangy Pacific Rose apples with the richness of muscovado sugar, resulting in a cake that will satisfy all.

If you’re seeking a truly distinctive standout treat that celebrates an affordable and widely accessible fruit, look no further. Our apple upside down cake is a classic culinary gem. That showcases the versatility of a fruit found in kitchens around the world.

With Pacific Rose apples taking the spotlight, this upside down cake offers a delightful twist on a timeless dessert. Creating a memorable experience that will have the family lining up for seconds. Join us as we explore the combination of humble ingredients that bring this extraordinary dessert to life.

Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar

Ingredients Deep Dive Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar

Let us take a closer look at the carefully selected ingredients that make our apple upside down cake. This is a true culinary titian, from the subtly sweet and flavorful Pacific Rose apples to the rich and complex muscovado sugar.

Each ingredient has been thoughtfully chosen to create a cake that is as visually stunning as it is delicious. Let’s explore the key components that make this dessert stand out in the world of baking.

Cake Base

Cake Batter

  • 150g (5.29oz) salted butter (softened).
  • ¾ cup Muscovado sugar.
  • 2 hen’s eggs.
  • 1 ½ cups Flour self-raising.
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
  • 1 cup Stewed apples.


  • Stewed apple.
  • Freshly whipped cream.
  • Fresh mint leaves.

How to season food is an art that combines creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of flavors. That transforms ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces.

Apple Upside Down Cake Ingredients
Apple Upside Down Cake Ingredients
  • Fresh Pacific Rose Apples – The main character of our delicious apple upside down cake is the fresh Pacific Rose apple. These apples are known for their crisp texture, balanced sweetness, and delicate floral aroma. When selecting Pacific Rose apples for this recipe, choose ones that are firm and free from bruises or dark blemishes.
  • Muscovado Sugar – This unrefined brown sugar possesses a luscious, sticky texture and a deep, caramel-like flavor. With its molasses undertones, muscovado sugar adds complexity and depth to the caramelized apple topping, and the cake itself.
  • Salted Butter – Salted butter lends a touch of savoriness. The salt content brings out the natural flavors of the apple and sugar.
  • Self-Raising Flour – We utilize self-raising flour to achieve the perfect rise and lightness. This flour is a combination of all-purpose flour and leavening agents, such as baking powder and salt. The addition of these leavening agents eliminates the need for separate measurements, making the baking process more convenient.
  • Cinnamon – The warm and aromatic spice of cinnamon adds a comforting and fragrant note to our apple upside down cake. Cinnamon enhances the natural sweetness of the apples and sugar. Its gentle spiciness adds warmth and complexity. Be sure to use ground cinnamon for easy incorporation into the cake batter and to evenly distribute its flavor throughout the cake.
  • Hen’s Eggs – Hen’s eggs play a vital role, providing structure, moisture, and eggy richness to the cake batter. Their proteins help bind the ingredients together, while the yolks contribute to the cake’s tenderness and richness. Where possible look for free range or barn-raised eggs.
  • Fresh Whipped Cream – To enhance the indulgence of our apple upside down cake, we serve it with freshly whipped cream. I love whipped cream with fruit-based desserts.
  • Stewed Apple – As an additional element to enhance the apple flavor in our apple cake, we’re incorporating stewed apples. They provide a softer and more concentrated apple flavor, making them a perfect addition to our cake batter.

Apple Upside Down Cake The Recipe In Detail

Stewed Apples

  • 2 Pacific Rose apples (peeled and diced).
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon ground.
  • 1 teaspoon Muscovado sugar.

To prepare the stewed apples, start by peeling and coring 2 apples (Pacific Rose, Granny Smiths, Pink Lady, Idared, or Fuji). Then, dice them into bite-sized pieces. In a saucepan, combine the diced apples with a tablespoon of water, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a touch of muscovado sugar.

Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally. Until the apples begin to soften and break down releasing their juices. Remove them from the heat and allow them to cool completely.

Chefs Pro Tip — You can pass the cooked apples through a fine sieve. Creating a smooth and velvety consistency that will seamlessly blend into the cake batter. This is a chef’s technique for achieving smooth silky textures.

Stewed Apple
Stewed Apple

Apple Upside Down Cake

  • Preheat your oven to 175°C (350°F). For a convection oven preheat 160°C (320°F).

We are cooking the cake in a nonstick thick-bottomed ovenproof pan. I find that it is easier to caramelize the sugar which will create a beautiful topping when the upside down cake is turned out.

  1. Preparing The Apples – Start by coring the apples. Use a mandolin to thinly slice them. Cut them into thin, even slices, and set them aside.
Slicing The Apples
Slicing The Apples
  1. Cake Base – In a pan over medium heat, melt the first measure of muscovado sugar until it dissolves. Remove the saucepan from the heat and arrange the sliced apples in an even layer over the dissolved sugar.
Caramelized Muscovado Sugar and Slice Apples
Caramelized Sugar and Slice Apples
  1. Preparing The Cake Batter – In a mixing bowl, cream the softened butter and muscovado sugar. Add the eggs one at a time and mix after each addition. Sift in the flour and cinnamon, and lightly whisk until smooth. Now using a spatula gently fold the cooled stewed apples into the cake batter, ensuring an even distribution.

Make sure the eggs and stew apples are at room temperature before incorporating them into the cake butter. This will stop the cake from splitting or curdling which will result in a heavy unevenly baked cake.

Chefs Pro Tip — Before pouring the cake batter into the nonstick pan brush the sides with the melted butter. This will help the cake release from the pan when baked.

  1. Pour the cake batter evenly over the sliced apples, ensuring that it covers them completely. Lightly tap the pan on the countertop to create a smooth and even layer of batter. This step helps to distribute the batter evenly resulting in an evenly baked cake.
Finished Cake Batter
Finished Cake Batter
  1. Baking – Place the cake into the preheated oven and bake for approximately 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  1. Inverting The Cake – Before inverting the cake let it rest for about 5 minutes. Run a knife around the edges to loosen it and ensure a clean release. Place the serving platter or cutting board on top of the pan then carefully flip it over and lightly tap the bottom of the pan. The apple upside down cake should release cleanly for the pan.
  1. Serving – Slice the apple upside down cake into 8 equal portions and serve them warm. Accompany each slice with a quenelle of freshly whipped cream (my favorite). Consider adding a spoonful of the leftover stewed apples, for an extra burst of fruity goodness.
Apple Upside Down Cake With Whipped Cream And Stewed Apple
Apple Upside Down Cake With Whipped Cream And Stewed Apple

Chefs Pro Tip — Make The Best Apple Upside Down Cake.

  1. Choosing Ripe And Flavorful Apples – This will enhance the taste of the cake. We are using the Pacific Rose variety. However, you can also use Granny Smiths, Pink Lady, Idared, or Fuji varieties. Look for apples that are firm, fragrant, and free from dark blemishes and accessive bruising.
  2. The Use Of Muscovado Sugar – Adds depth and complexity to the caramelized apple topping, giving it a rich, molasses-like flavor. You can substitute it with brown or demerara sugar.
  3. When Arranging The Apple Slices – Place them into the pan, and ensure they are evenly layered in a circular pattern. This technique promotes even cooking and a visually attractive topping.
  4. Perfectly Moist Cake – To achieve a perfectly moist and tender cake, avoid adding cold ingredients like eggs and stewed apples. Make sure all the ingredients added are at room temperature.
  1. What Is Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar?

    An apple upside down cake with muscovado sugar is a classic dessert. That combines the natural sweetness of apples with the molasses and caramel-like flavor of muscovado sugar. It is a culinary titan that showcases the perfect balance of fruity goodness and sweet caramel notes.

  2. Can I Use Other Types Of Apples For This Recipe?

    Yes, you can use other varieties of apples. While we are using Pacific Rose apples, you can also use other apple varieties such as Granny Smiths, Pink Lady, Idared, or Fuji. Choose apples that are firm and slightly tart as they will complement the flavors of the muscovado sugar.

  3. Can I Make This Cake Ahead Of Time?

    Yes, you can make the apple upside down cake ahead of time. Once baked and cooled, store it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to two days. To preserve its freshness, you can also refrigerate the cake for up to four days. Just make sure to bring it to room temperature before serving.

Cooking Is A Science And A Skill

Cooking is a science and a skill that requires a deep understanding of both the technical and creative aspects. Cooking is also a matter of precise measurements and ratios.

For example, baking is particularly sensitive to accurate measurements and temperatures. A slight deviation in the amount of an ingredient or cooking degrees can result in a completely different outcome. So, to help you here is a handy little unit converter tool for cooking without guesswork.

Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar

Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar A Culinary Fusion

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PREP TIME: | 20 minutes
COOK TIME: | 1 hour 10 minutes
TOTAL TIME: | 1 hour 30 minutes
SERVINGS: | 8 portions



Discover the marriage of flavors, in our apple upside down cake, where the culinary fusion of muscovado sugar and caramelized apples creates a timeless classic.


Stewed Apples

  • 2 Apples
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon ground
  • 1 tbsp Muscovado sugar

Cake Base

  • 3 Apples Pacific Rose, Granny Smiths, Pink Lady, Idared, or Fuji
  • ¼ cup Muscovado sugar

Cake Batter

  • 150 g Butter salted
  • ¾ cup Muscovado sugar
  • 2 Hen's eggs
  • cups Flour self-raising
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon ground
  • 1 cup Stewed Apples


  • 1 cup Whipped cream
  • Mint leaves fresh


  • Stewed Apples – start by peeling and coring 2 apples (Pacific Rose, Granny Smiths, Pink Lady, Idared, or Fuji). Then, dice them into bite-sized pieces. In a saucepan, combine the diced apples with a tablespoon of water, a sprinkle of cinnamon, and a touch of muscovado sugar.
    Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally. Until the apples begin to soften and break down releasing their juices. Remove them from the heat and allow them to cool completely.
    Stewed Apple
  • Preheat your oven to oven top bottom175 °C. For a convection oven preheat oven fan160 °C.
    We are cooking the cake in a nonstick thick-bottomed ovenproof pan. I find that it is easier to caramelize the sugar which will create a beautiful topping when the upside down cake is turned out.
    Preparing The Apples – Start by coring the apples. Use a mandolin to thinly slice them. Cut them into thin, even slices, and set them aside.
    Slicing The Apples
  • Cake Base – In a pan over medium heat, melt the first measure of muscovado sugar until it dissolves. Remove the saucepan from the heat and arrange the sliced apples in an even layer over the dissolved sugar.
    Caramelized Muscovado Sugar and Slice Apples
  • Preparing The Cake Batter – In a mixing bowl, cream the softened butter and muscovado sugar. Add the eggs one at a time and mix after each addition. Sift in the flour and cinnamon, and lightly whisk until smooth. Now using a spatula gently fold the cooled stewed apples into the cake batter, ensuring an even distribution.
    Pour the cake batter evenly over the sliced apples, ensuring that it covers them completely. Lightly tap the pan on the countertop to create a smooth and even layer of batter. This step helps to distribute the batter evenly resulting in an evenly baked cake.
    Baking – Place the cake into the preheated oven and bake for approximately 45-50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
    Finished Cake Batter
  • Inverting The Cake – Before inverting the cake let it rest for about 5 minutes. Run a knife around the edges to loosen it and ensure a clean release. Place the serving platter or cutting board on top of the pan then carefully flip it over and lightly tap the bottom of the pan. The apple upside down cake should release cleanly for the pan.
    Serving – Slice the apple upside down cake into 8 equal portions and serve them warm. Accompany each slice with a quenelle of freshly whipped cream (my favorite). Consider adding a spoonful of the leftover stewed apples, for an extra burst of fruity goodness.
    Apple Upside Down Cake With Muscovado Sugar

Chef Tips

  • Stewed Apples – You can pass the cooked apples through a fine sieve. Creating a smooth and velvety consistency that will seamlessly blend into the cake batter. This is a chef’s technique for achieving smooth silky textures.
  • Cake Batter – Before pouring the cake batter into the nonstick pan brush the sides with the melted butter. This will help the cake release from the pan when baked.
Chefs Tips: Make The Best Apple Upside Down Cake.
  • Choosing Ripe And Flavorful Apples – This will enhance the taste of the cake. We are using the Pacific Rose variety. However, you can also use Granny Smiths, Pink Lady, Idared, or Fuji varieties. Look for apples that are firm, fragrant, and free from dark blemishes and accessive bruising.
  • The Use Of Muscovado Sugar – Adds depth and complexity to the caramelized apple topping, giving it a rich, molasses-like flavor. You can substitute it with brown or demerara sugar.
  • When Arranging The Apple Slices – Place them into the pan, and ensure they are evenly layered in a circular pattern. This technique promotes even cooking and a visually attractive topping.
  • Perfectly Moist Cake – To achieve a perfectly moist and tender cake, avoid adding cold ingredients like eggs and stewed apples. Make sure all the ingredients added are at room temperature.


Serving>1portion | Calories>437kcal | Carbohydrates>66g | Protein>5g | Fat>19g | Saturated Fat>11g | Polyunsaturated Fat>1g | Monounsaturated Fat>5g | Trans Fat>1g | Cholesterol>87mg | Sodium>147mg | Potassium>239mg | Fiber>4g | Sugar>44g | Vitamin A>652IU | Vitamin C>6mg | Calcium>59mg | Iron>1mg
New Zealand
Muscovado Sugar
Upside Down Cake

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